Tag Archives: teacher-popped

Update! Freakazoid Cincinnati Bengals Cheerleader-Teacher Gets ZERO Time For Gettin’ It In With Student!

Wow…we figured she’d get off easy but this is ridiculous! Sarah Jones, the former Cincinnati Bengals cheerleader , plead guilty today to sleeping with her 17-year-old student while she was a teacher at a northern Kentucky high school. In case you didn’t know, the age of consent in KY is 16!!! The 27-year-old cried while she admitted to “adult” misconduct and custodial interference as part of a plea agreement with prosecutors. According to The Huffington Post… “I began a romantic relationship while he was a student and I was in a position of authority,” Jones said, her voice cracking as her family members wiped their own tears. Jones said the relationship began in February 2011 when the boy was 17, saying that the two had sex, that she sent him sexually explicit text messages and lied about the relationship to police. The teen had been in Jones’ freshman English class in 2008, and she was his peer tutor in 2010 and 2011 before he graduated at the age of 17 this year, according to Monday’s plea agreement, signed by Jones. Prosecutors said they were willing to make the deal because the teen, now 18, and his family were uncooperative with them and on Jones’ side. “We feel that it is a just and it is a fair result,” prosecutor Sara Farmer said. “It’s certainly difficult when a victim and his family don’t cooperate by not providing information, but it makes our case a lot harder when they’re actually proactive for a defendant, and in this case, the family was more than supportive of the Jones (family). They were proactive for them.” Part of the reason defense attorney Eric Deters said Jones was willing to plead guilty was because Judge Summe had denied his request to keep the text messages that she sent to the teen out of the trial…”They’re embarrassing,” Deters told reporters after the hearing. “They were steamy.” He also said that now that the teen is 18 years old, he and Jones “are free to be together” and pointed out that they left the courtroom together. He said that Jones will not try out to be a Bengals cheerleader in the future, and that for now, she’s working as a legal assistant in his office. Jones resigned as a teacher at Dixie Heights and from the Bengals cheer squad in late 2011 after four years with both jobs. Deters said at the time that she had done nothing wrong and stepped down because a rumor that she had become involved with a student became too much. Gross. All this trick got was five years of probation (with no jail time) and she doesn’t even have to register as an offender. Images via facebook

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Update! Freakazoid Cincinnati Bengals Cheerleader-Teacher Gets ZERO Time For Gettin’ It In With Student!