Tag Archives: terrific-business

Farrah Abraham: My Daughter is a Terrific Business Owner!

Farrah Abraham isn’t going to be receiving any Mother of the Year awards anytime soon. Really, she’s not getting any awards at all, unless there’s an award for being The Worst. Or maybe like some porn thing. But the most concerning thing about Farrah — and this is saying a lot, since her life is basically one big concern — is her parenting skills. Namely, the way she doesn’t seem to have any at all. Remember when her daughter, Sophia, was three years old and she tweezed her eyebrows ? Or how about last year when “the tooth fairy” left her hundreds of dollars for losing a tooth? Oh, and who could forget the time that she actually said that she’d be totally fine with Sophia making her own sex tape ? But one of the most tangibly terrible things Farrah has done as a mother is letting Sophia, who is seven years old, remember, run her own clothing boutique. Yes, most kids Sophia’s age are, you know, going to school and playing with other kids, but no, it’s probably fine if Sophia just skips all that developmental stuff and gets right to business ownership. Or at least that’s what Farrah thinks. In a new interview with OK! magazine, Farrah goes into a little more detail about Sophia’s role at the boutique. “Sophia comes in and acts like she’s hiring or firing,” she explains. “She likes to take a lot of the stuff from the store for herself. She loves the clothing so much.” Back in September, Farrah got a lot of flack for saying that Sophia would be “in charge of hiring, firing, picking the best products and clothing to order for the store.” Is she changing her tune now after getting called out, or was she just trying to brag in the old interview about her kid’s responsibilities? Either way, it’s awful — what would be worse, getting fired by a seven-year-old or dealing with a seven-year-old who thinks she has the authority to fire you? Farrah also says that Sophia “picks things out and I have to basically like go through and be like we don’t need this much of that.” “She gets to start off choosing everything and I have to keep it in to real life terms.” Thankfully, Farrah acknowledges that “Sophia is definitely a child still. If anything she’s showing business can be fun, it can be easy and fun.” “Sophia will one day run this on her own,” she says. “She’s brought that up to me.” “She’s doing a normal schedule, she’s included in everything, but there is a fine line of she’s 7 and she will always be 7.” … Well, not always. Can someone explain to Farrah how life works? And does “she’s doing a normal schedule” mean that Sophia is working a regular 40-hour week at the boutique? Because it kind of sounds like that’s what she means. This poor, poor child … View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham Parenting Fails: A Brief History of WTF?!

Originally posted here:
Farrah Abraham: My Daughter is a Terrific Business Owner!