Tag Archives: texting-while

Saggy Base of Vagina Skin Discussions on Health Forums is My Weird New Fetish of the Day

Thanks to google I came upon a community of girls who post pics of their vaginas, asking about random skin tags at the base of their vagina, to see if their vaginas and their loose skin at the base of their vagina is normal…and for some reason….it’s my favorite thing I’ve seen in probably a decade of daily internet, reminding me that the real good times happen off Facebook owned corporate bullshit – filled with narcissistic self promoters – but rather the weird anonymous places where people seek validation, advice, contact with people with similar issues – and the pervert voyeurs like me who jerk off to them… I call this a Christmas miracle, like It’s a Wonderful Life, I’ve reconnected with something that’s always been a part of my life, at least since 1995, and made me remember what it is I loved about it, and why I devoted my life to it, before a time when everyone was annoyingly doing it…you know when it was for freaks, weirdos, not mainstream idiots posting pics of their food, asses, etc… I’m fucking George Bailey up in here…facing a gift from god saying ‘everytime a bell rings – internet weirdness still exists, is interesting, inspires and all that other noise is just noise’.. The internet is alive people…and all it took was girls and their pussy skin tags to make me see the light… The post Saggy Base of Vagina Skin Discussions on Health Forums is My Weird New Fetish of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Saggy Base of Vagina Skin Discussions on Health Forums is My Weird New Fetish of the Day

Couple Have Crazy Public Sex and Other Videos of the Day

Old Woman Gets Knocked Out and Shoved Into Trashcan San Diego Cops Let K-9 Unit Attack naked Dude – Probably a Mexican #Trump Worst U Turn Ever Hollywood Metro Station Beating… Casually Jerking Off Texting While Squeezing into Train Pretty Dumb Fucking Hobby Shitty Fucking Pedestrian Death Due to Winter The post Couple Have Crazy Public Sex and Other Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Couple Have Crazy Public Sex and Other Videos of the Day

Justin Bieber Supports Campaign Against Texting and Driving | MTV …

Justin Bieber may be old enough to drive (just barely!) but you won't catch him texting while behind the wheel. Spreading awareness about the dangers of texting while driving is an ongoing effort for the pop star. … Read more: Justin Bieber Supports Campaign Against Texting and Driving | MTV …

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Justin Bieber Supports Campaign Against Texting and Driving | MTV …

Auto-Tuned the News 6 : Michael Jackson

They keep getting better and better and better… Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Vodka Shot Tricks

This is the most amazing video of guys doing shots you will see all day.

The rest is here:
Vodka Shot Tricks

Texting Teen Falls Down Manhole

This story is a PSA about the dangers of texting while walking. Don't worry folks, she only hurt her pride

Visit link:
Texting Teen Falls Down Manhole