Here’s a very very very specific fetish for you Ashley Tisdale fetishists, you know the assholes who bought into her marketing program and believed she was actually the hottest girl on the Kids Show your creepy ass was forced to watch, or watched as a guilty pleasure because it made you cum. It’s her recently married ass in ripped jeans getting a parketing ticket… You know something you’d think was too obscure to get a hard on for….but that you know that somewhere out there lives a man, probably a parking ticket cop, who gets off to this shit…and I guess that’s why she’s doing it… You know at this stage in the game – she’s got to take any male attention she can get since it’s pretty much over for her.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
Originally posted here:
Ashley Tisdale’s Married Parking Ticket in Ripped Jeans Porn of the Day