Tag Archives: the-awkwardly

Bereavement Director Stevan Mena On The MPAA and the Boundaries You Shouldn’t Cross In Horror

After watching the fairly savage new horror film, Bereavement , I didn’t know exactly what to expect when I met its director, Steven Mena — but I was fairly certain there would be at least three piercings on his face. Instead, Mena is about as down-home and wholesome in appearance as possible. The kind of guy who you would imagine delivering you milk in the 1950s with a wink and a smile, not the guy who directed a movie where a woman is roasted alive over an open flame.

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Bereavement Director Stevan Mena On The MPAA and the Boundaries You Shouldn’t Cross In Horror

Check Out the Censored Oscar Kiss Between Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin

This year’s Academy Awards telecast was difficult to sit through . So it wouldn’t be surprising if you missed (translation: were asleep during) the awkwardly extended cut-away to Penélope Cruz during Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin’s impromptu presenter dance bit. If you did notice the strange editing choice though and suspected that something was amiss in the editing booth, you were right.

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Check Out the Censored Oscar Kiss Between Javier Bardem and Josh Brolin