Tag Archives: the-confidence

Viral Video: Zoo Lion Tries to Eat a Baby Wearing Zebra-Like Stripes

Do zoo animals get enough to eat? In January, the Blaze reported this viral video face-off between a lion and a 3-year-old. Lucky for the 3-year-old, there was a thick layer of Plexiglas giving her the confidence she wouldn’t be harmed by the male lion. Now, a lioness at a zoo in Portland, Ore., also gets frustrated when she can’t get at her black-and-white stripped prey sitting on the other side of… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The Blaze Discovery Date : 02/05/2012 23:23 Number of articles : 2


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Viral Video: Zoo Lion Tries to Eat a Baby Wearing Zebra-Like Stripes

Adrienne Curry Bottom Feed on Twitter in a Bra of the Day

Adrienne Curry is the fucking worse nobody around. She is milking twitter and her fanbase as hard as she can, cuz she realizes that whenever she does something for the virgin losers, whether dress like a Star Wars character or go to Comicon, the motherfuckers go nuts, giving her this false sense of celebrity she is addicted to and always wanted, hence why she did reality TV….and no matter how obvious getting in a bra with Star Wars merch on twitter is….it’s working for her and has even given her the confidence to leave her 65 year old husband cuz he just doesn’t get this whole computer shit….But I do…and that is that the internet will love you as long as you are half naked and supporting nerd shit….clearly this curry cunt got that memo…

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Adrienne Curry Bottom Feed on Twitter in a Bra of the Day

The World’s Worst Most Beautiful Person’s Sloppy Stomach of the Day

Here is a picture of People Magazin’s Most Beautiful People’s abs. Here’s more proof that People Magazine was paid off to say J.Lo was the World’s Most Beautiful person, not that you really needed proof about the shit, it was pretty fucking obvious, you know on her 40th bithday alone, that being named People Magazine’s most beautiful person was something that just would never happen to her, unless she paid…. I mean bitch is a chunky mom, who I guess let the stamp of approval get to her head, giving her the confidence to go out in a tube top you’d expect on the beach, with the craziest set of Best Buy teeth I’ve ever seen….which is clearly unrelated and I feel bad laughing at, cuz she’s just a minimum wage worker living her dream, you know giving her one perk of her job that fucking sucks, that keeps her from killing herself, but I had to point it out, cuz they are looking at me like they want to eat me, and I’m staring cuz better her teeth that J.Lo’s gut…TRUE STORY. To See The Rest of the Pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

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The World’s Worst Most Beautiful Person’s Sloppy Stomach of the Day

Jayde Nicole Still Trying to Get Noticed of the Day

I don’t know what the deal with this trash from Canada is. I know she followed her single-mother’s white trash lead to take her titties to Playboy cuz it pays more and leads to more opportunity than stripping, but as long as she does it when she’s freshly turned 18 so that her youth works for her guaranteeing a spot as most whores only get the confidence to get naked for the world after their other plans in money making have fallen apart and they realize that “it’s now or never”….but instead of staying true to being a bitch who gets naked for money, she started dating some idiot, ended up on a shitty reality shot, and now thinks she’s a fucking TV star, when really she isn’t shit…other than a whore meant to get naked who got diverted… So when I see the useless cunt showing off a little tit, I like to get the message out that she needs to step up her game and flash some cunt, cuz otherwise no one will notice you in a few months…and this post has been my good deed of the day…helping some trash out when no one else bother noticing her or her cleavage cuz it’s irrelevant anymore… Pics via Fame

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Jayde Nicole Still Trying to Get Noticed of the Day

Ugly Betty Season 4 Episode 20 – Hello Goodbye Online Streaming Video Link

Watch Ugly Betty Season 4 Episode 20 – Hello Goodbye . The 20th episode of this 4th season that aired 04/14/10, Wednesday at 9:00 P.M. on ABC. Ugly Betty’s new episode entitled “Hello Goodbye” has Betty not getting the confidence to tell Daniel of their future and Bobby and Justin is now looking for a new place. Watch the latest episode of our favorite girl brought to us by ABC. Watch the full latest episode of Ugly Betty replay on line for free. We have provided the links for you where you can watch it online streaming or download it for your collection, it is located above the image and below this sentence in blue font. Watch Ugly Betty S4E20: Hello Goodbye Ugly Betty Season 4 Episode 20 – Hello Goodbye Online Streaming Video Link is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Sue Compton Won $1M in 2010 Pillsbury Bakeoff on Oprah Show

upi photos 53-year old  mortgage loan processor Sue Compton of Delanco, New Jersey won $1 million in the 2010 Pillsbury Bake-off on Oprah Winfrey Show. She also took home a GE range and $7,ooo worth of appliances. The prize money was awarded Wednesday in the taping of the show in Chicago. Compton’s winning recipe of mini ice cream cake cups that made her an instant millionaire. The contest criteria according to the website must “be original, fit into one of the four recipe categories, and use at least two different eligible products”.  The categories are divided into breakfasts and brunches; entertaining appetizers; dinner made easy; and sweet treats. The bakeoff in Orlando, Florida has held one hundred contestants.  Winners in each of the four categories are selected as bake off finalists. The contest has been running for 60 years since 1949, and Pillsbury has hosted contests for the Grand Prize with over 4,000 finalists. The first winner won $50,000. This year marks the 44th contest. Sue Compton Won $1M in 2010 Pillsbury Bakeoff on Oprah Show is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading