Tag Archives: the-deficit

MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’: Tax Cut Compromise Is Another ‘Steaming Pile of Garbage’

Comparing the current tax cut compromise with Barack Obama's stimulus plan of 2009, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough labeled the tax cuts a “steaming pile of garbage” on his December 13 show. Complaining that the compromise will add another $900 billion to the deficit, Scarborough compared it to the stimulus plan that cost a similar amount in the name of “stimulating” the economy. “This is a disaster for conservatives,” Scarborough asserted, arguing that adding to the deficit is worse than stimulating the economy with tax cuts that aren't “paid for.” The weekend after the deficit commission proposed a way to cut $4 trillion in the next generation, Republican leaders met with President Obama and produced a compromise extending the Bush tax cuts for all income earners, along with other provisions that would ultimately add $1 trillion to the deficit. “It's another steaming pile of garbage,” co-host Mika Brzezinski spat. Scarborough agreed with her. “Man, I tell you, if I were a Democrat in the House, I'd vote against this in a second,” he remarked.

Stewart Exposes GOP Hypocrisy: Extending Bush Tax Cuts Won’t Lower Deficit (VIDEO)

Last night on “The Daily Show” Jon Stewart took on Republicans for their dramatic words about the deficit and simultaneous defense of the Bush tax cuts. While conservative pundits refer to the deficit as “crushing” and dangerous to our “children and grandchildren,” Stewart worried that the GOP doesn't understand what's causing the deficit they fear so much in the first place. “Do they not realize that the tax cuts strengthen the deficit monster that's going to eat our babies?” According to Fareed Zakaria, letting the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year would reduce the deficit by 30%. Still, conservatives such as John McCain and John Boehner argue that we should extend the tax cuts and not raise taxes. Amazed at how two opposing ideas can exist on the same party platform, Stewart asked, “how exactly can you be for deficit reduction and extending tax cuts?” before airing a clip wherein Sarah Palin argues for both in the same sentence. Other conservatives argued that the money the government earns in taxes isn't the same as the money they spend, so the tax cuts will not affect the deficit. To this, Stewart responded with the famous “F**k you, pay me” scene from “Goodfellas.” “The deficit doesn't care where [the money] comes from,” Stewart said. added by: TimALoftis