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According to E! News even though Chris Brown has completed his court-ordered 90 days in rehab a judge ordered him to stay at the facility for further…
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According to E! News even though Chris Brown has completed his court-ordered 90 days in rehab a judge ordered him to stay at the facility for further…
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged #reectop5tovibe, atl, bennyhollywood, chris-brown, discontinue, raggae, term, the-facility, the-industries
Lindsay Lohan, 24, arrived at Lynwood Jail at approximately 5:30 p.m. PT in a sheriff#39;s vehicle – her fourth trip to the facility – where she was given an orange jumpsuit. She was released at 9:21 p.m., according to inmate records. After a topsy-turvy day in court, Lindsay Lohan was found in violation of probation – and sentenced to four months in jail – on Friday, for allegedly stealing a $2,500 necklace. The actress, who was allowed to post bail, was also sentenced to 480 hours of communi
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Lindsay Lohan Sentenced result 2011
Posted in Celebrities, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged context, detected, Entertainment, fourth, Hollywood, invalid, lohan, result-2011, stars, the-facility
n Feb 18, 2010 NotForSale from the Intel Hub interviewed a whistleblower employed as a private contractor at an Evergreen Air facility. The information he provided was mind blowing. Never before had a whistleblower came forward about this top secret facility located in the Arizona desert north of Tucson. In the interview KrisH described how the facility is heavily secured by well armed personnel. During his time at the facility he was involved in retro fitting 727 and 747-c aircraft with liquid discharge tanks and aerosol sprayer devices. He has also confirmed reports of triangular black jets at the facility as well during his time there in the early 1990’s. It is also important to note that the facility owns fully functional warbirds that have been fully restored from WWII, where all of the weapon systems and bomb bay doors are operable on the craft. This type of craft is not authorized by civilian, public or private use within the U.S. This would indicate that Evergreen Air is indeed a CIA operation. The Whistleblower has also heard there is an underground base at the facility and confirms there is a possible “Black Helicopter” base on site as well.Note: Evergreen Air also specializes in unmanned aerial drones. Editors Note: Spraying for chemtrails would almost be a normal thing for Evergreen Air. This “front” company has been exposed as taking part in such shady events as problems with its “non” profit museum, making a substantial amount of money off the Iraq War, gun running in Central America, chauffeuring dictators, and among other things, flying Bill O Reilly to Iraq. so much more at article including well documented footnotes and links… “Hate to say I told you so.” The Hives added by: rodstradamus
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged celeb news, discharge-tanks, editors-note, evergreen, more-at-article, stars, the-facility, unmanned-aerial