J Lo brought her beefcake posse led by boytoy dancer Casper Smart, and her pop hit ‘Dance Again’ to the American Idol stage last night. Watch, AFTER THE JUMP… Jennifer Lopez “Dance Again” live on American… by HumanSlinky Broadcasting platform : DailyMotion Source : Towleroad Discovery Date : 11/05/2012 02:59 Number of articles : 2
Oh libs, please! If the lamestream media is going to carry Obama’s water so openly this year, lets hope they’re at least getting paid. Yahoo today continued to pound on the 45 year-old story that Mitt Romney… Yes, this Mitt … Continue reading → Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 11/05/2012 05:58 Number of articles : 2
In the wake of the Oakland school shooting , celebrities took to Twitter to express their condolences to the victims and their families and offer thoughts and prayers. A former student shot and killed seven people at Oikos University, a tiny Christian college, yesterday, shocking the nation. Some of the most notable tweets: – “Sending out my prayers for those involved in the classroom shooting at OIKOS University in Oakland, CA. All we need is LOVE” – Khloe Kardashian Odom. – “My prayers go out to those involved in the shooting” – Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria. – “7 dead, 3 injured, suspect caught in college shooting … Heartbreak. Pls Pray #NOW.” – Model/mogul Kathy Ireland. – “Sad for the people killed today in Oakland, CA. I will never understand why people go on these rampages. It’s horrific” – Country singer Chely Wright. – “To the students and families of those affected by the Oikos Christian University shooting, you are all in my prayers tonight. Sick, sick world …” – Travel Channel personality Adam Richman. – “Praying for Oakland.” – MC Hammer.
Sarah Palin appeared on Today this morning, first as a guest and then as a co-host, in what was a mostly enjoyable stint on the NBC morning show institution. Matt Lauer did ask her some tough questions, though nothing about how Levi Johnston got Sunny Oglesby pregnant . Hey, no journalist is perfect. The mood was jovial as Palin opened with a story about a stranger who, when she was headed to NBC’s 30 Rockefeller Plaza, said she knew Palin was Tina Fey. Lauer’s interview with Palin about the Republican presidential race – voters in Wisconsin, Maryland, and D.C. vote today – quickly turned more serious. Sarah Palin on Today Show Her message: “Anybody but Obama will be so much better for our country,” and the experience level of