Tag Archives: the-limitations

Selena’s Family To Send “Hologram” On Tour, Record New Songs & Video

Selena Hologram To Go On Tour Anything for Selenas! Fans of the fallen Latina pop star may have a reason to rejoice soon, as “Selena” will be going on tour from beyond the afterlife in the next few years. According to a new press release , the Quintanilla family is working closely with a digital firm to create a 3-D digital representation of Selena. The figure is apparently more advanced technology than a hologram and will be be commissioned for a 2018 tour. They’ll also be using revolutionary technologies to record new tracks, collaborations with popular artists, and release accompanying music videos. This technology is an advanced technology that does not have the limitations of past technologies such as holograms or holographs but is revolutionary. Acrovirt is working in collaboration with Selena’s immediate family and cutting-edge scientists to enable new productions for her many fans. Selena The One will release new songs and videos, will collaborate with current hit artists, and aims to go on tour in 2018. What do you think BOSSIP fam? Are you excited to be able to finally see Selena “live in concert”… or does this sound as incredibly creepy to you as it does to us??

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Selena’s Family To Send “Hologram” On Tour, Record New Songs & Video

Paula Patton Books New ABC Gun Cartel Drama ‘Runner’

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Paula Patton will be taking you into the world of the weapons game with her new show “Runner.” The Baggage Claim star has signed on…

Paula Patton Books New ABC Gun Cartel Drama ‘Runner’

Paula Patton Books New ABC Gun Cartel Drama ‘Runner’

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Paula Patton will be taking you into the world of the weapons game with her new show “Runner.” The Baggage Claim star has signed on…

Paula Patton Books New ABC Gun Cartel Drama ‘Runner’

Derrick Rose Is Out With Another Knee Injury

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Sometimes the limitations of the body is too much for will to overcome. Derrick Rose has been a tragic example of that. He missed a season after…

Derrick Rose Is Out With Another Knee Injury

Derrick Rose Is Out With Another Knee Injury

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Sometimes the limitations of the body is too much for will to overcome. Derrick Rose has been a tragic example of that. He missed a season after…

Derrick Rose Is Out With Another Knee Injury

For Discussion: Mark Twain’s Classic ‘Huckleberry Finn’ Is Going To Be Re-released Minus The “N-Word”

This year a new version of the literary classic ‘Huckleberry Finn’ will have the racial epithets removed from its text, including “nigger” and “Injun”. Seems a little late…the book as been out since 1885, but hey better 126 years late than never… Huckleberry Finn is uniquely marvelous because it is of its time yet manages to transcend it. In spite of the limitations of vocabulary, cultural expectations, and racial stereotypes, it lays bare the inhumanity of slavery through the power of satire. To remove it from this context is to strip it of its power — and to needlessly whitewash a period that deserves no whitewashing. There is nothing quite parallel to this sort of change. It’s not about avoiding an awkward classroom moment, or they would have removed the word “ejaculate” from Victorian novels, where everybody is always ejaculating about everything. It would be like renaming 1984 2084, “because the current title does not reflect how pleasant life was under the Reagan administration.” This is like changing War and Peace to Peace, because war is unpleasant to remember, or removing World War I from All Quiet on the Western Front. If we keep updating things to reflect our current sensitivities, where do we stop? Do you support the editing of books that may contain offensive material based on the time period that we live in now? Source

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For Discussion: Mark Twain’s Classic ‘Huckleberry Finn’ Is Going To Be Re-released Minus The “N-Word”