Tag Archives: the-literary


The rule of caps lock is pretty simple: You could have written your thoughts on the actual meaning of life and the key to world peace, and they could have saved the world – but if you post it in CAPS LOCK, no one will read it. Why is caps lock a bad thing? Because typing in all CAPS LOCK makes you look like a bleedin' idiot. It's the literary equivalent to screaming as loud as you can in a fast monotone. Right in the ear. Here are a few random CAPS LOCK posts from… added by: DoctorLulzington

Hollywood Tweets RIPs to Salinger and Zinn

It’s a sad day in the literary world with the passing of writers J.D. Salinger (The Catcher in the Rye) and Howard Zinn (The People’s History of the United States), and Hollywood…

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Hollywood Tweets RIPs to Salinger and Zinn