Tag Archives: howard-zinn

GOP Will Block Democratic Bills in Senate

WASHINGTON — Senate Republicans intend to block action on virtually all Democratic-backed legislation unrelated to tax cuts and government spending in the current postelection session of Congress, officials said Tuesday, adding that the leadership has quietly collected signatures on a letter pledging to carry out the strategy. If carried out, it would doom Democratic-backed attempts to end the Pentagon's practice of discharging openly gay members of the military service and give legal status to young illegal immigrants who join the military or attend college. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/11/30/senate-republicans-plan-block-nearly-… added by: tverdell

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership"

Noam Chomsky: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal “Profound Hatred for Democracy on the Part of Our Political Leadership” World-renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky discusses the release of more than 250,000 secret U.S. State Department cables by WikiLeaks. AMY GOODMAN: For reaction to the WikiLeaks documents, we’re joined by world renowned political dissident and linguist Noam Chomsky, Professor Emeritus at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, author of over a hundred books including his latest Hopes and Prospects. Forty years ago, Noam and Howard Zinn helped government whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg edit and release the Pentagon Papers that top-secret internal U.S. history of the Vietnam War. Noam Chomsky joins us from Boston… Before we talk about WikiLeaks, what was your involvement in the Pentagon Papers? I don’t think most people know about this. NOAM CHOMSKY: Dan and I were friends. Tony Russo, who also who prepared them and helped leak them. I got advanced copies from Dan and Tony and there were several people who were releasing them to the press. I was one of them. Then I- along with Howard Zinn as you mentioned- edited a volume of essays and indexed the papers. AMY GOODMAN: So explain how, though, how it worked. I always think this is important- to tell this story- especially for young people. Dan Ellsberg- Pentagon official, top-secret clearance- gets this U.S. involvement in Vietnam history out of his safe, he Xerox’s it and then how did you get your hands on it? He just directly gave it to you? NOAM CHOMSKY: From Dan Ellsberg and Tony Russo, who had done the Xeroxing and the preparation of the material. AMY GOODMAN: How much did you edit? NOAM CHOMSKY: Well, we did not modify anything. The papers were not edited. They were in their original form. What Howard Zinn and I did was — they came out in four volumes — we prepared a fifth volume, which was critical essays by many scholars on the papers, what they mean, the significance and so on. And an index, which is almost indispensable for using them seriously. That’s the fifth volume in the Beacon Press series. AMY GOODMAN: So you were then one of the first people to see the Pentagon Papers? NOAM CHOMSKY: Outside of Dan Ellsberg and Tony Russo, yes. I mean, there were some journalists who may have seen them, I am not sure. AMY GOODMAN: What are your thoughts today? For example, we just played this clip of New York republican congress member Peter King who says WikiLeaks should be declared a foreign terrorist organization. NOAM CHOMSKY: I think that is outlandish. We should understand — and the Pentagon Papers is another case in point — that one of the major reasons for government secrecy is to protect the government from its own population. In the Pentagon Papers, for example, there was one volume — the negotiations volume — which might have had a bearing on ongoing activities and Daniel Ellsberg withheld that. That came out a little bit later. If you look at the papers themselves, there are things Americans should have known that others did not want them to know. And as far as I can tell, from what I’ve seen here, pretty much the same is true. In fact, the current leaks are — what I’ve seen, at least — primarily interesting because of what they tell us about how the diplomatic service works. AMY GOODMAN: The documents’ revelations about Iran come just as the Iranian government has agreed to a new round of nuclear talks beginning next month. On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the cables vindicate the Israeli position that Iran poses a nuclear threat. Netanyahu said, “Our region has been hostage to a narrative that is the result of sixty years of propaganda, which paints Israel as the greatest threat. In reality, leaders understand that that view is bankrupt. For the first time in history, there is agreement that Iran is the threat. If leaders start saying openly what they have long been saying behind closed doors, with can make a real breakthrough on the road to peace,” Netanyahu said. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also discussed Iran at her news conference in Washington. This is what she said: added by: toyotabedzrock

Progressive Mag Editor Hates Fourth of July: Patriotism Leads to Fascism

Imagine being an American that hates the Fourth of July. Seems impossible, right? Apparently not for the editor of the uber-liberal magazine The Progressive proudly wrote Saturday, “It’s July 4th, my least favorite holiday…You see, I don’t believe in patriotism.” As amazing as it might seem, the 27-year-old Matthew Rothschild was just getting warmed up (h/t Weasel Zippers ): You can call me unpatriotic if you’d like, but really I’m anti-patriotic. I’ve been studying fascism lately, and there is one inescapable fact about it: Nationalism is the egg that hatches fascism. And patriotism is but the father of nationalism. Patriotism is not something to play with. It’s highly toxic. When ingested, it corrodes the rational faculties. Plus, it’s a war toy, wheeled out whenever a leader needs to improve his ratings by attacking some other country-often after invoking God’s name, too. But as for me, between God, country, and apple pie, I’ll take the apple pie. Actually, Matt, why don’t you take that apple pie to a country you can be proud to call your home, for if you so hate America that you can’t enjoy the day of her birth, why stay? Makes you wonder how many of The Progressive’s readers share Rothschild’s views – and how many liberals do as well. More importantly, how many so-called journalists at major news outlets feel the same way?  Of course, as NewsBusters Jeff Poor noted Sunday, this is the same magazine that reprinted Howard Zinn’s anti-American rant “Put Away the Flags” in its July issue. I guess to liberals like these, nothing says Happy Independence Day like rotten tomatoes thrown at the birth of the greatest nation on the planet.  It explains a lot, doesn’t it? 

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Progressive Mag Editor Hates Fourth of July: Patriotism Leads to Fascism

The Progressive Magazine Commemorates Anti-America Historian Howard Zinn for the Fourth of July: ‘Put Away the Flags’

Fireworks, barbecue, parades on the Fourth of July … but hold the flags. Sounds ridiculous, right? Although Howard Zinn died earlier this year, that was his suggestion back in 2006. And what does The Progressive magazine do this July 4th? They trot Zinn’s anti-American sentiments out for their left-of-center audience by republishing his piece, “Put away the flags.” “On this July 4, we would do well to renounce nationalism and all its symbols: its flags, its pledges of allegiance, its anthems, its insistence in song that God must single out America to be blesse[d],” Zinn wrote. “Is not nationalism — that devotion to a flag, an anthem, a boundary so fierce it engenders mass murder — one of the great evils of our time, along with racism, along with religious hatred?” And that disgusting sentiment comes in addition to Progressive magazine editor Matthew Rothchild’s immature July 3 anti-patriotism piece saying that “between God, country, and apple pie, I’ll take the apple pie” suggesting patriotism is “toxic.” Although it’s not out of the norm to see left-wing vile coming from such a publication, it is a little surprising to see anti-American tripe – including Zinn’s tired and nearly four-year old screed about America’s role in history. “How many times have we heard President Bush tell the troops that if they die, if they return without arms or legs, or blinded, it is for ‘liberty,’ for ‘democracy’?” Zinn wrote. “One of the effects of nationalist thinking is a loss of a sense of proportion. The killing of 2,300 people at Pearl Harbor becomes the justification for killing 240,000 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The killing of 3,000 people on Sept. 11 becomes the justification for killing tens of thousands of people in Afghanistan and Iraq. And nationalism is given a special virulence when it is said to be blessed by Providence. Today we have a president, invading two countries in four years, who announced on the campaign trail in 2004 that God speaks through him.” Perhaps it is wishful thinking for the brilliant minds at The Progressive magazine to set aside one day to commemorate the birth of the world’s greatest nation and not someone who loathed the United States.

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The Progressive Magazine Commemorates Anti-America Historian Howard Zinn for the Fourth of July: ‘Put Away the Flags’

Hollywood Tweets RIPs to Salinger and Zinn

It’s a sad day in the literary world with the passing of writers J.D. Salinger (The Catcher in the Rye) and Howard Zinn (The People’s History of the United States), and Hollywood…

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Hollywood Tweets RIPs to Salinger and Zinn

Howard Zinn dies at 87

Howard Zinn, Historian and Author of “A People's History of the United States” has died today. http://www.boston.com/news/local/breaking_news/2010/01/howard_zinn_his.html added by: Mariased 22 comments

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Howard Zinn dies at 87