Tag Archives: weasel-zippers

CNN Correspondent Touts Mangos as Tool to Fight Militants

Mango diplomacy, maybe.  Mango defense, not so much. It would be much less disconcerting to say the above headline is a joke, ripped from the headlines of The Onion .  But alas, it is frighteningly accurate. Hillary Clinton recently lauded the benefits of Pakistani mangos in a discussion of better trade cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. As Reuters reports, “Hillary Clinton has lots to worry about in Pakistan, but she has found one thing she can wholeheartedly embrace:  Pakistani mangos … Clinton suggested mangos might be one place to start when discussing benefits of better trade cooperation, including Pakistani requests for improved market access.” But an analysis (emphasis mine) of Clinton’s economic recovery efforts via CNN’s Reza Sayah , defies explanation, and require a tremendous leap in logic from economic benefits, to military benefits (h/t Weasel Zippers via Michelle Malkin): Well, I think the U.S., the Obama administration, is convinced that this is the right approach.  In addition to the military approach, you have to have an economic approach. They say it’s an interesting project here.   If Mrs. Clinton has her way in the months and years to come, Pakistan will export more of its delicious and very juicy mangoes. Americans will eat them.   It will all be a part of the fight against militants. Sayeh later doubles down on the mango defense system, explaining that “… the ultimate goal is success against militants in this region.”  The mango program, he surmises, will help to curb anti-Americanism and bridge a “huge trust deficit”.  Sayeh swings for the fences at the end with, “So if you like mangos, look for Pakistani mangos to come to a fruit stand near you in the months and years to come.” John Roberts concluded the report by agreeing with the tasty allure of the legendary but intimidating, Pakistani mango: “That would be a good thing, too, because they’re quite good.” Indeed. But isn’t using mangos as a tool to curb anti-Americanism a form of mango propaganda?  Following the news, mango sales in Afghanistan rose sharply, as militants attempted to reverse engineer the fruity weaponry. To be fair, perhaps Sayeh thought that Clinton was deploying a similar program developed by the Indian army, in which they announced plans to use the world’s hottest chili pepper as a weapon to flush out terrorists.  But if India plans to use smoke grenades with a material 100 times hotter than a jalapeño, what would ‘delicious and very juicy mangos’ do to militants, make them drool into submission?  Truly, a fate worse than waterboarding.  Photo Credit:  B.K.Bangash/AP Please send tips/comments to Weiss.Rusty@gmail.com . 

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CNN Correspondent Touts Mangos as Tool to Fight Militants

CNN Senior Editor of Mideast Affairs Mourns Loss of ‘Hezbollah Giant’

They’re a militant Shiite Muslim organization defined by the U.S. government as a terrorist group, but don’t tell that to CNN senior editor of Middle Eastern affairs, Octavia Nasr. In a July 4 post on her Twitter account , Nasr openly admitted to mourning the loss of Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah: Sad to hear of the passing of Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah.. One of Hezbollah’s giants I respect a lot.. #Lebanon According to a July 2 Associated Press story , Fadlallah is “considered by many to be the unofficial spiritual leader of Hezbollah,” even though both he and Hezbollah deny that claim. (h/t Weasel Zippers ) The AP also reports Fadlallah is known for “his staunch anti-American stance” and is blacklisted as a terrorist by the U.S. government. But where else but CNN would you see a member of its editorial staff opening mourn the passing of a “terrorist?”

Go here to see the original:
CNN Senior Editor of Mideast Affairs Mourns Loss of ‘Hezbollah Giant’

Progressive Mag Editor Hates Fourth of July: Patriotism Leads to Fascism

Imagine being an American that hates the Fourth of July. Seems impossible, right? Apparently not for the editor of the uber-liberal magazine The Progressive proudly wrote Saturday, “It’s July 4th, my least favorite holiday…You see, I don’t believe in patriotism.” As amazing as it might seem, the 27-year-old Matthew Rothschild was just getting warmed up (h/t Weasel Zippers ): You can call me unpatriotic if you’d like, but really I’m anti-patriotic. I’ve been studying fascism lately, and there is one inescapable fact about it: Nationalism is the egg that hatches fascism. And patriotism is but the father of nationalism. Patriotism is not something to play with. It’s highly toxic. When ingested, it corrodes the rational faculties. Plus, it’s a war toy, wheeled out whenever a leader needs to improve his ratings by attacking some other country-often after invoking God’s name, too. But as for me, between God, country, and apple pie, I’ll take the apple pie. Actually, Matt, why don’t you take that apple pie to a country you can be proud to call your home, for if you so hate America that you can’t enjoy the day of her birth, why stay? Makes you wonder how many of The Progressive’s readers share Rothschild’s views – and how many liberals do as well. More importantly, how many so-called journalists at major news outlets feel the same way?  Of course, as NewsBusters Jeff Poor noted Sunday, this is the same magazine that reprinted Howard Zinn’s anti-American rant “Put Away the Flags” in its July issue. I guess to liberals like these, nothing says Happy Independence Day like rotten tomatoes thrown at the birth of the greatest nation on the planet.  It explains a lot, doesn’t it? 

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Progressive Mag Editor Hates Fourth of July: Patriotism Leads to Fascism

87 Senators Sign Letter Urging Obama’s Support of Israel, Media Mostly Mum

On Monday, 87 Senators signed a letter to President Obama affirming their support for Israel while urging his. This comes in response to last month’s highly-publicized flotilla incident in the Mediterranean Sea and the United Nations predictable anti-Israel reaction. A similar letter has been circulated in the House that has apparently garnered 307 signatures. Despite the overwhelming bipartisan outcry — something rather rare in Washington these days to be sure — very few American media outlets bothered to report the news. Fortunately, the Hill published the following Wednesday (h/t Weasel Zippers ): Led by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) – and signed by 85 other members of the upper chamber – the letter argues that Israel’s blockade of Gaza was both legal and necessary, and that Israeli commandos were acting in self-defense when they landed on the ship. “[V]ideo footage shows that the Israeli commandos who arrived on the sixth ship, which was owned by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (the IHH), were brutally attacked with iron rods, knives, and broken glass,” the senators wrote. “They were forced to respond to that attack and we regret the loss of life that resulted,” the letter adds. The bipartisan group of lawmakers urged Obama to oppose a resolution in the United Nations critical of Israel. According to JTA.org, a similar letter has been signed by 307 Representatives in the House. Yet, besides the Hill, LexisNexis and Google News searches produced only Agence France-Presse and UPI reporting this news in the States. No newspapers, no television outlets, and no Associated Press. Why might that be? For those interested, full text with signatories of the Senate letter is available here . Readers are advised that too many of the signatures were illegible making it impossible to know who the thirteen Senators that didn’t sign the letter are. Stay tuned. 

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87 Senators Sign Letter Urging Obama’s Support of Israel, Media Mostly Mum