Tag Archives: pakistani

MPAA Chief Chris Dodd Likes Republican Language On Internet Policy

The scepter of free speech and the protection of intellectual property via the internet reared once again, nearly a year since the Motion Picture Association of America -supported legislation first landed in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, only to be resoundingly defeated after a well-coordinated backlash by internet heavy-weights Google Wikipedia and others. MPAA chief Chris Dodd , himself a former U.S. Senator from Connecticut (and a Democrat to boot) gave a thumbs up to the Republican Party’s platform language on intellectual property and the internet. Said Mr. Dodd today via an MPAA release: The Republican Party platform language strikes a very smart balance: it emphasizes the importance of us doing more as a nation to protect our intellectual property from online theft while underscoring the critical importance of protecting internet freedom.  As the party points out, the internet has been for its entire existence a source of innovation, and it is intellectual property that helps drive that innovation.  Copyright is the cornerstone of innovation; it allows creators to benefit from what they create.  As Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor – herself once a Republican elected official – wrote, ‘[I]t should not be forgotten that the Framers intended copyright itself to be the engine of free expression. By establishing a marketable right to the use of one’s expression, copyright supplies the economic incentive to create and disseminate ideas.’ I agree wholeheartedly with my friends in the Republican Party that we must protect the free flow of information on the internet while also protecting American innovators.  It is imperative to our national economy and our national identity that we protect an internet that works for everyone. The Republican platform spells out its interpretation of “Internet Freedom” including its opposition from shifting away from a “multi-stakeholder” approach to internet governance: The Internet has unleashed innovation, enabled growth, and inspired freedom more rapidly and extensively than any other technological advance in human history. Its independence is its power. The Internet offers a communications system uniquely free from government intervention. We will remove regulatory barriers that protect outdated technologies and business plans from innovation and competition, while preventing legacy regulation from interfering with new and disruptive technologies such as mobile delivery of voice video data as they become crucial components of the Internet ecosystem. We will resist any effort to shift control away from the successful multi-stakeholder approach of Internet governance and toward governance by international or other intergovernmental organizations. We will ensure that personal data receives full constitutional protection from government overreach and that individuals retain the right to control the use of their data by third parties; the only way to safeguard or improve these systems is through the private sector. Additionally, the Republican platform said regarding “foreign theft” of intellectual property: “Punitive measures will be imposed on foreign firms that misappropriate American technology and intellectual property.”

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MPAA Chief Chris Dodd Likes Republican Language On Internet Policy

Venice Opener The Reluctant Fundamentalist Takes On Culture Clash

Indian-born filmmaker Mira Nair said that 9/11 formed part of the inspiration for her latest film, The Reluctant Fundamentalist , which kicked off the Venice Film Festival Wednesday evening. Just days before the attacks, Nair won the festival’s top prize, the Golden Lion, for her much praised Monsoon Wedding and she left the fabled Italian city for the Toronto International Film Festival to promote the film when the attacks happened. Like other New York residents, she was stranded in the Canadian city following the tragic event, taking her a week to get back to NYC and her husband and son. When she did make it back, she felt an “otherness” in the post-9/11 period, a theme she explores in her latest feature. “It was quite shocking when I got back because it felt like images I had seen in my part of the world, refugee camps, helicopters, a sense of war, a war zone, and it was in our backyard,” she said in Venice Wednesday as reported by A.P. “And so suddenly, (New York) became a place where people who looked like us were ‘the other.’ And that was painful, and that was also part of the inspiration to try to make this film.” Based on the novel by Mohsin Hamid, British-born musician and actor Riz Ahmed plays Changez a gifted financial analyst whose allegiance to America is questioned following the 9/11 attacks. Changez travels to the Pakistani city of Lahore re-connecting with his routes. Liev Schreiber plays a journalist who interviews him in Lahore as a kidnapping crisis rages. Kate Hudson plays his girlfriend and Kiefer Sutherland plays his former Wall Street mentor in NYC flashback scenes. “[The novel is] essentially a dialogue between East and West,” Nair said in Venice. “”We all know there has been an enormous schism, a wall between East and West, since, in this last decade. So I sought very much in the dialogue between America and the Islamic world in The Reluctant Fundamentalist to really bring some sense of bridge-making, some sense of healing, a sense of community that goes beyond the stereotypes, goes beyond the myopia, goes beyond the ignorance.” [ Source: A.P. ]

Venice Opener The Reluctant Fundamentalist Takes On Culture Clash

What The Hell? Tea Party Extremist Claims There Is Evidence That President Obama Is On The Downlow

Tea Party Extremist Claims President Obama Was Once Married To A Man As the election nears, the “NoBama” bunch is going pretty hard with the smear tactics . This week, it’s the good ol Tea Party claiming that President Obama was once married to his college roommate……who was a man. Jerome Corsi, Tea Party activist and author, now asserts that president Obama is bisexual and was once married to man. Corsi, a birther, who authored The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, claims he has compelling evidence that supports his theory that Obama was once married to his Pakistani roommate. Corsi does not indicate whether Obama was married to Imad Husain, Obama’s freshman roommate at Occidental, Mohammed Hasan, or Wahid Hamid, the two other Pakistani men who were once roommates of the president. Corsi has published photos of the president on 1776nation.com where, according to Corsi, it appears the president is wearing a wedding band. He also asserts that there was long-running joke among the president’s classmates at Harvard regarding the mysterious ring and why Obama wore it. Now this is just ridiculous.  We wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle “Nutcase” Bachman was behind this….SMH. Source

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What The Hell? Tea Party Extremist Claims There Is Evidence That President Obama Is On The Downlow

World News Briefs — November 27, 2011


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Afghans Say Pakistan Fired First in NATO Attack — Wall Street Journal As Pakistan’s top leaders gathered Sunday to bury 24 Pakistani soldiers killed by NATO airstrike, Afghan officials said Pakistani forces fired first and challenged the Pakistani claim that the helicopter attack was unprovoked. As U.S. military, Pakistani forces and Afghan officials sought to piece together the deadly and destabilizing… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : War News Updates Discovery Date : 27/11/2011 12:23 Number of articles : 2

World News Briefs — November 27, 2011

THOUSANDS of Pakistanis Protest NATO at American Consulate in Karachi (Video)


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Thousands of Pakistanis protested outside the American consulate in Karachi today following the NATO airstrike that killed 24 members of the Pakistani armed forces on Saturday. The Pakistanis cut NATO supply trucks at the border following the attack inside Pakistan. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gateway Pundit Discovery Date : 27/11/2011 17:22 Number of articles : 2

THOUSANDS of Pakistanis Protest NATO at American Consulate in Karachi (Video)

Osama bin Laden dead

File photo of the front page of a newspaper covering the death of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden on May 2, 2011. Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was shot dead deep inside Pakistan in a night-time helicopter raid by US covert forces, ending a decade-long manhunt for the mastermind of the September 11 attacks. In the aftermath of the secret U.S. raid to kill Osama bin Laden, Pakistani officials want a detailed agreement spelling out U.S. rules of engagement inside Pakistan, officials in both cou

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Osama bin Laden dead

CNN Correspondent Touts Mangos as Tool to Fight Militants

Mango diplomacy, maybe.  Mango defense, not so much. It would be much less disconcerting to say the above headline is a joke, ripped from the headlines of The Onion .  But alas, it is frighteningly accurate. Hillary Clinton recently lauded the benefits of Pakistani mangos in a discussion of better trade cooperation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. As Reuters reports, “Hillary Clinton has lots to worry about in Pakistan, but she has found one thing she can wholeheartedly embrace:  Pakistani mangos … Clinton suggested mangos might be one place to start when discussing benefits of better trade cooperation, including Pakistani requests for improved market access.” But an analysis (emphasis mine) of Clinton’s economic recovery efforts via CNN’s Reza Sayah , defies explanation, and require a tremendous leap in logic from economic benefits, to military benefits (h/t Weasel Zippers via Michelle Malkin): Well, I think the U.S., the Obama administration, is convinced that this is the right approach.  In addition to the military approach, you have to have an economic approach. They say it’s an interesting project here.   If Mrs. Clinton has her way in the months and years to come, Pakistan will export more of its delicious and very juicy mangoes. Americans will eat them.   It will all be a part of the fight against militants. Sayeh later doubles down on the mango defense system, explaining that “… the ultimate goal is success against militants in this region.”  The mango program, he surmises, will help to curb anti-Americanism and bridge a “huge trust deficit”.  Sayeh swings for the fences at the end with, “So if you like mangos, look for Pakistani mangos to come to a fruit stand near you in the months and years to come.” John Roberts concluded the report by agreeing with the tasty allure of the legendary but intimidating, Pakistani mango: “That would be a good thing, too, because they’re quite good.” Indeed. But isn’t using mangos as a tool to curb anti-Americanism a form of mango propaganda?  Following the news, mango sales in Afghanistan rose sharply, as militants attempted to reverse engineer the fruity weaponry. To be fair, perhaps Sayeh thought that Clinton was deploying a similar program developed by the Indian army, in which they announced plans to use the world’s hottest chili pepper as a weapon to flush out terrorists.  But if India plans to use smoke grenades with a material 100 times hotter than a jalapeño, what would ‘delicious and very juicy mangos’ do to militants, make them drool into submission?  Truly, a fate worse than waterboarding.  Photo Credit:  B.K.Bangash/AP Please send tips/comments to Weiss.Rusty@gmail.com . 

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CNN Correspondent Touts Mangos as Tool to Fight Militants

Pakistan: Anti-terror court convicts 5 Americans

Five American men were convicted Thursday on terror charges by a Pakistani court and sentenced to 10 years in prison in a case that has heightened concerns about Westerners traveling to Pakistan to contact al-Qaida and other Islamist extremist groups. The trial of the young Muslim men from the Washington, D.C., area was sensitive for the U.S., which has a duty to ensure justice for its citizens abroad but also has pushed Pakistan to crack down on militancy. Prosecutors said e-mail records and witness statements proved the men used the Internet to plot terror attacks in Pakistan and nations allied with it. The father of one of the men said they were in Pakistan to attend his son's wedding, but had intended to cross into Afghanistan for humanitarian work. The verdict comes the same week Pakistani-American Faisal Shahzad pleaded guilty to trying to bomb New York's Times Square in May after getting training by the Taliban in Pakistan's tribal areas. The judge on Thursday handed down two prison terms for each man, one for 10 years on a criminal conspiracy charge, and the other for five years on the charge of funding banned organizations for terrorism. A copy of the decision seen by The Associated Press said the terms were to be served concurrently. The men, all in their 20s, had faced up to life in prison. They were acquitted of three charges, including planning to wage war against the U.S. and Afghanistan – allies of Pakistan. The men said nothing when the verdict was read out, Deputy Prosecutor Rana Bakhtiar said. Previously, the men claimed they were tortured by Pakistani police and FBI agents, charges denied by authorities here and the U.S. Their lawyers said they would appeal the case. The trial moved with unusual speed in a country where cases often drag out for years and where terror convictions are rare and often overturned on appeal. The trial was closed to journalists and observers and was heard by a single judge in a special anti-terrorism court. The men have been identified as Ramy Zamzam of Egyptian descent, Waqar Khan and Umar Farooq of Pakistani descent, and Aman Hassan Yemer and Ahmed Minni of Ethiopian descent. They were reported missing by their families in November after one left behind a farewell video showing scenes of war and casualties and saying Muslims must be defended. story continues http://www.optimum.net/News/AP/Article?fmId=5417804 More New York Times Coverage http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/25/world/asia/25pstan.html?hp added by: Stoneyroad

Latest Update on Pakistan Bombing

Two attackers on Motorbikes fired the entrance of Baitul Noor of worship in the Model Town region which resulted to at least 20 people were killed. Actually, the strikes took place at two mosque in Lahore which belong to Ahmadi religious group according to police and rescue officials. According to the officials, one of the attackers was critically injured and the other was detained. The bombings targeted houses of worships which resulted approximately 70 people killed and now its still growing.. One of the witnesses told CNN that the two attackers were armed with AK-47s and another witness saw atleast 4 gunmen. Three heads of the suicide bombers were discovered in the crime scene according to Sajjad Bhutta, a senior official. At least five people were retrieved in the other location, Garhi Shahu. Ahmadis which is a religious movement founded in 1889 which has believed that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a prophet sent by God. Ahmadis considered themselves as Muslim. But the Pakistani government disclaimed that they aren’t Muslims. Because the followers don’t believe Mohammed, the phrophet if Muslims as their prophet. Latest Update on Pakistan Bombing is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Man Identified In Times Square Bomb Plot

The U.S. Federal authorities have identified the man of interest in Saturday night’s Times Square bob attempt. The suspect is a naturalized American citizen who was in Pakistan for several months and returned to the United States recently. According to the senior Obama administration officials, the latest progress regarding the incident on Saturday night in Time Square seems to support investigators’ suspicions that there was a foreign connection behind the failed car bomb attempt in New York City. Sources claim that evidences includes international phone calls made by the suspect, who has not been identified publicly. The suspect is identified as a man of Pakistani descent. The Police officials also interviewed the registered owner of the bomb-laden sports utility vehicle. He said that he recently sold the dark-colored 1993 Nissan Pathfinder on Craigslist to another individual. The man who purchased his car was the Pakistani-American suspect. Man Identified In Times Square Bomb Plot is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading