Tag Archives: mysterious-ring

Lady Gaga Covers Vogue Magazine Lookin’ Thicker Than A Lil Bit; Says She Likes Gettin Her Cakes Chopped Down On The Beach!

Photoshop works wonders… Lady Gaga Covers Vogue Magazine Lady Gaga is showing her little monsters a different side of herself on the cover of Vogue magazine’s September issue. Wednesday night (Aug. 8), Lady Gaga leaked the cover of Vogue’s renowned September issue, on which she appears dressed in an extravagant gown. The “Poker Face” singer posted the photo on her own social network site, Little Monsters, along with the message “SHH DONT TELL TWITTER/ SEPT ISSUE OF VOGUE MAGAZINE/ Sorry Anna but the underground kids deserve it. bisous!” Gaga has been alluding to the unveiling for a while, tweeting two days ago, “Don’t worry I’ve been txting Wintour all morning trying to get that cover queens. next im sending bagels to VOGUE (complex carbohydrate war).” She followed that with another tweet Wednesday morning announcing the delivery. “”AHHH! The Vogue Express dropped off the SEPTEMBER ISSUE yesterday morning. IM A COVER GIRL, and ITS FAB! Can’t wait to show u tonight!” Gaga being Gaga, she also had a few choice quotes in the interview, revealing fame hasn’t slowed her wild side. “I’m a complete free spirit, so, even though you don’t see it, I still find time to have sex at night on the beach when no one’s around,” she says in the magazine. “Or roll into a bar and get [bleeped] up, and dance with my top off. It’s just that no one ever sees that, because I have great real friends who never let me do it when I would get caught.” Not surprised at Gaga’s freakazoid steez….seems like anything goes with this chick. Source Image via Twitter

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Lady Gaga Covers Vogue Magazine Lookin’ Thicker Than A Lil Bit; Says She Likes Gettin Her Cakes Chopped Down On The Beach!

What The Hell? Tea Party Extremist Claims There Is Evidence That President Obama Is On The Downlow

Tea Party Extremist Claims President Obama Was Once Married To A Man As the election nears, the “NoBama” bunch is going pretty hard with the smear tactics . This week, it’s the good ol Tea Party claiming that President Obama was once married to his college roommate……who was a man. Jerome Corsi, Tea Party activist and author, now asserts that president Obama is bisexual and was once married to man. Corsi, a birther, who authored The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality, claims he has compelling evidence that supports his theory that Obama was once married to his Pakistani roommate. Corsi does not indicate whether Obama was married to Imad Husain, Obama’s freshman roommate at Occidental, Mohammed Hasan, or Wahid Hamid, the two other Pakistani men who were once roommates of the president. Corsi has published photos of the president on 1776nation.com where, according to Corsi, it appears the president is wearing a wedding band. He also asserts that there was long-running joke among the president’s classmates at Harvard regarding the mysterious ring and why Obama wore it. Now this is just ridiculous.  We wouldn’t be surprised if Michelle “Nutcase” Bachman was behind this….SMH. Source

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What The Hell? Tea Party Extremist Claims There Is Evidence That President Obama Is On The Downlow