Tag Archives: the-mosque

Henican On Mosque: Pundits Shouldn’t Be As ‘Ignorant’ As Other Americans

Talk about your teachable moments, the Ground Zero mosque controversy has taught us in just what contempt many in the liberal media hold their fellow Americans. As I noted here , last week on MSNBC, Cenk Uygur accused Americans who oppose the mosque of being “ignorant.”  This weekend on Fox News Watch, Ellis Henican also used the i-word, saying that when it comes to the mosque, pundits shouldn’t be as “ignorant” as other Americans. Jim Pinkerton pounced, pointing out the condescension of which Henican had convicted himself. Henican had opened the mosque segment by saying that those such as himself who live in lower Manhattan are more receptive to the mosque than people who live farther away, speculating that in Idaho are 99% against it. Later came this exchange . . . JIM PINKERTON: This whole exercise, for the media, let’s just focus on the pundit sector.  It’s been a chance for them to demonstrate their moral superiority over the average American by taking this “enlightened,” multi-cultural position. ELLIS HENICAN: At the risk, Jim, of sounding enlightened, it is not the role of us in the punditocracy to be as quickly as ignorant as the least ignorant [sic, presumably meant “most ignorant”] member of the public. There are some complex principles here that don’t get played out easily in a left-right angry exchange on cable television, and I think frankly we have some responsibility to remember what those principles are. PINKERTON: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the defendant has just convicted himself. HENICAN: Of enlightenment! I plead guilty as charged, sir.     Note: This week’s News Watch was quite the treasure trove.  Brad Wilmouth earlier noted the shout-out Pinkerton gave Tim Graham for his observation of the way the New York Times buried the news of the Justic Department’s dropping of its investigation of Tom DeLay, and Noel Sheppard reported the way Rich Lowry aced  Henican regarding the liberal media’s coverage of the Iraq war.

See more here:
Henican On Mosque: Pundits Shouldn’t Be As ‘Ignorant’ As Other Americans

Top Five Outrageous Outbursts by Liberal Journalists or Celebrities | Round 5 of T-Shirt Winners

Editor’s Note: For the list of NewsBusters T-shirt contest winners, skip to the end of this post.  All good things must come to an end, and so it is with Five for Five . In our final installment, we look at the Top Five Outrageous Outbursts by liberal media journalists and/or celebrities over the past five years. We start with an honorable mention we just couldn’t let pass without notice: Ted Turner from April 2008 predicting that global warming would lead to mass cannibalism. You can view that video below the page break. And now for the top five: Rosie O’Donnell outs herself as a 9/11 Truther , insisting that fire couldn’t possibly melt steel [March 29, 2007] Actress Sandra Bernhard warns Sarah Palin to avoid New York City unless she wants to be gang-raped by black men [September 19, 2008] Bryant Gumbel simultaneously insults black Republicans and black Winter Olympians [February 16, 2006] Bill Maher buys into the conspiracy theory that Trig Palin is really Sarah Palin’s grandson, not her son [September 6, 2008] Keith Olbermann trashes conservative blogger Michelle Malkin as a “mashed-up bag of meat with lipstick” [October 13, 2009] And finally, as promised, the fifth round of winners in our 5th anniversary T-shirt giveaway .  Congratulations to: Lee J. of Claymont, Del. Mike T. of Wichita, Kan. Dale K. of El Dorado,Calif. Kenneth F. of Corona, Calif. Mark S. of Greenwood, Ind. Paul E. of Smithsburg, Md. Anonymous of Bristol, Wisc. Rich S. of Fergus Falls, Minn. Charlie G. of Mesa, Ariz. Karen P. of Chugiak, Alaska For those of you who didn’t win, we have plenty for sale at MRCStore.org .

Read more from the original source:
Top Five Outrageous Outbursts by Liberal Journalists or Celebrities | Round 5 of T-Shirt Winners

Video: 20-Year Friend/Follower of Ground Zero Imam: ‘Funding Will Come From Muslims Around The World’

Yesterday Eyeblast.tv went up to New York City to interview people about the proposed Ground Zero mosque. While there, we were able to interview a security guard outside of the mosque location who said he was a long-time friend and follower of the Ground Zero imam. For more information about the ground zero mosque and the Ground Zero imam visit this post at the Eyeblast blog.

See the article here:
Video: 20-Year Friend/Follower of Ground Zero Imam: ‘Funding Will Come From Muslims Around The World’