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Political Analyst Bae: A Gallery Of Epic Angela Rye Clapbacks And Side Eyes

Angela Rye’s Show-Stealing Moments If there’s one good thing to come out of this election, it’s the emergence of political analyst superstar and #bae Angela Rye. She’s been on CNN clapping back, giving side-eyes and putting old white guys in their places. It’s been beautiful to look at and enough to make us want to cry. Take a look. RT @Curtos07 : Trump economic advisor Stephen Moore gets OWNED by Angela Rye on #RealTime pic.twitter.com/IOecAnwIXR — Low (@LowKeyUHTN) October 2, 2016 #ExhibitA Whoosh. Now before we go on to more epic moments we want to reiterate a point she’s been trying to make this election season: VOTE. Sure it may seem like hope is lost but young people need to vote and they need to vote in droves to save this country from chaos. So go out to the polls and do it! Now, on to the regularly scheduled programming.

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Political Analyst Bae: A Gallery Of Epic Angela Rye Clapbacks And Side Eyes