I don’t really think a slimmer, more controlled Britney Spears thanks to her handlers realizing that she’s their meal ticket and they can’t let her venture off on her own, because she will try to escape the prison that is her life…is all that interesting…. Even if the Not quite a girl, not yet a woman, who is clearly all woman, in her Thirties and a mom of at least two…a good Christian woman…at least that’s what she wants that portion of her fan base to think – since they are the only ones still buying albums for their trailer park home…. I just like that her pretty big tits are busting out of…fancy Walmart looking crop top you’d expect to see on some stripper in south at church apparel…because I guess in a lot of ways that’s what this robot, shell of a woman kind of is…you know since her performances include her half naked, dancing around sexy, and not singing… It’s a small sacrifice she makes to give everyone around her a nice affluent life..reminding me to exploit your kids.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
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Britney Spears Mom Tits in Public of the Day