Tag Archives: the-smartest

Gabrielle Union Breaks Down Challenge For Black Women & Smart Comedy

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Gabrielle Union might be one of the smartest comedic actresses around, but Hollywood doesn’t want her sharp wit. The actress has charmed celebs and audiences…

Gabrielle Union Breaks Down Challenge For Black Women & Smart Comedy

Julia Pereira’s Polaroids Are The Sexiest Ever!

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’ve been loving me some Julia Pereira lately. There’s just something about the Brazilian hottie that I can’t quite put my finger on. Well, at least not without getting hit with a restraining order. Anyway, I just came across this awesome Polaroid shoot she did, and I didn’t think it was possible, but I’m even more in love with her than I was before. So enjoy, but hands off. I called dibs first. Photo: Jonathan Leder

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Julia Pereira’s Polaroids Are The Sexiest Ever!

Izabel Goulart Is Incredible

A video posted by Izabel Goulart (@iza_goulart) on Feb 2, 2015 at 3:39am PST I’ve probably said this before (and I’m sure I’ll be saying it again), but following Izabel Goulart on Instagram was one of the smartest decisions I’ve ever made. Well, that and not eating that slice of pizza I found under my couch last week… But for all of you who’ve been missing out on the daily hotness, enjoy this latest workout video of Izabel’s, then repeat 3-5 times a week day, and you’ll have the most toned forearms of your life. I guarantee it.

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Izabel Goulart Is Incredible

"Black Swan" author Nassim Taleb Cheers Ron Paul’s Economic Platform on CNBC


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Inquiring minds are listening to a a CNBC video interview with Nassim Taleb, author of the book ” The Black Swan “. Link if video does not play: Nassim Taleb Cheers Ron Paul’s Economic Platform on CNBC This quote says it all: ” Only one candidate, Ron Paul, seems to have grasped the issues and offered the right remedies for the central problems we are facing. From my risk based standpoint, one candidate… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Mish’s Global Economic Trend Analys Discovery Date : 13/03/2012 18:54 Number of articles : 2

"Black Swan" author Nassim Taleb Cheers Ron Paul’s Economic Platform on CNBC

You Just Might Fall in Love with Mia Love


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Via Instapundit and PJTV comes this interview with a GOP candidate in Utah. Here’s the writeup: Mia Love is running for Utah’s Fourth Congressional District on a platform of “fiscal discipline, limited government, and personal responsibility.” She is also one of the smartest congressional candidates, and can quote Frederick Bastiat with the ease of an economics professor. Is the Tea Party focusing… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Reason Magazine – Hit & Run Discovery Date : 14/03/2012 23:40 Number of articles : 2

You Just Might Fall in Love with Mia Love

Bruno Mars Trips Out In His “Liquor Store Blues” Video


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Perhaps releasing a hallucinatory, smoke-fueled drug trip of a video after recently being arrested on drug charges was not the smartest play in the Bruno Mars handbook? Then again, the Grammy winner could be capitalizing on his own gossip story. Either way, you’ve got the perfect thing to put on in the background of your … More » Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Idolator Discovery Date : 03/03/2011 22:07 Number of articles : 2

Bruno Mars Trips Out In His “Liquor Store Blues” Video

Temporium Pop-Up Shows Best of British Design

Photo: people will always need plates Our friends over at the design blog Dezeen have launched a pop-up shop in the smartest part of town. Calling it Temporium, because it is only up for 10 days, it features the best of new British design. For anyone looking for a great gift for a design-freak friend, or just a good piece for the apartment; this is the place for the next few days. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Temporium Pop-Up Shows Best of British Design

Omar Thornton: "I Killed the 5 Racists That Were Bothering Me". 9 Total Are Now Dead.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM-1XnAWvLY http://www.mefeedia.com/news/32255459 http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20012557-504083.html Whether they were racist or not is not the issue. The issue is that this man decided to take the law into his own hands and he should absolutely be held completely accountable for all of his actions. Race or insanity should not hold up as defenses for his terrible actions. ____________________________________________________________________ MANCHESTER, Conn. — A warehouse driver who a union official said was caught on video stealing beer from the distributorship where he worked went on a shooting rampage there Tuesday, killing eight people and wounding two before committing suicide. Omar Thornton, 34, pulled a handgun after a meeting in which he had been offered the chance to quit or be fired, Manchester Police Chief Marc Montminy said. Among those killed was Thornton's union representative at the meeting. The gunman, who was black, had complained of racial harassment and said he found a picture of a noose and a racial epithet written on a bathroom wall, the mother of his girlfriend said. Her daughter told her that Thornton's supervisors told him they would talk to his co-workers. Brett Hollander, whose family owns the distributorship, said, “I can assure you there has never been any racial discrimination at our company.” And a union official said Thornton had not filed a complaint of racism with the union or any government agency. Thornton had been caught on videotape stealing beer, Teamsters official Christopher Roos said. “It's got nothing to do with race,” Roos said. “This is a disgruntled employee who shot a bunch of people.” Thornton's girlfriend had been with him the night before the rampage and had no indication he was planning it, said her mother, Joanne Hannah. On Tuesday morning, about 50 to 70 people were in the warehouse about 10 miles east of Hartford during a shift change when the gunman opened fire around 7 a.m., Hollander said. Adding to the chaos at the warehouse was a fire, which was put out. Montminy said he didn't know how the fire started, but didn't think it was set. The shooting was over in a matter of minutes, Montminy said. The victims were found all over the complex, and authorities don't know if Thornton fired randomly or targeted specific co-workers, Montminy said. After shooting his co-workers, Thornton called his mother, Hannah said. “He wanted to say goodbye and that he loved everybody,” Hannah said. Thornton was alive when police got to the scene but killed himself before officers got to him, Montminy said. A police sharpshooter had approval to fire on Thornton when he killed himself, an official with knowledge of the scene told the AP on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss it. Hannah said her daughter, Kristi, had dated Thornton for the past eight years. Kristi Hannah did not return calls for comment. “Everybody's got a breaking point,” Joanne Hannah said. Hannah described Thornton as an easygoing guy who liked to play sports and video games. She said he had a pistol permit and had planned to teach her daughter how to use a gun. Hollander's cousin, Steve, who's a vice president at the company, was shot in the arm and the face. Hollander said he thought his cousin would be OK. Steve Hollander would not comment when reached on his cell phone. Police declined to release the names of those killed. Among the dead was Bryan Cirigliano, 51, of Newington, president of Teamsters 1035, according to the union. He had been Thornton's representative at Tuesday's disciplinary hearing, the union said. Bill Ackerman, a 51-year-old warehouseman, also was killed, said his girlfriend, Stephanie Laurin. “I was like, 'Where's Billy, where's Billy?' and they said they hadn't seen him. And then one of his co-workers told me … that he saw the shooter go to where Billy's room is that he works in,” she said. “I was just praying to God that he was OK.” Ackerman, who enjoyed playing golf and rooting for the Boston Red Sox, had worked for the company for about 20 years, she said. The Hartford Courant identified another victim as Victor James, 59, of Windsor. Two victims were being treated at Hartford Hospital. The rampage was the nation's deadliest since 13 people were fatally shot at Fort Hood, Texas, in November. A military psychiatrist is charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder and 32 counts of attempted premeditated murder in that case. In Connecticut, a state lottery worker gunned down four supervisors in 1998 before committing suicide, and six people were killed in 1974 in botched robbery at a bakery in New Britain. Two men were convicted of that crime. On Tuesday, a few dozen relatives and friends of the victims gathered a few miles away at Manchester High School. Outside, people talked, hugged and cried. Others talked on cell phones. Police officers from numerous agencies and police and fire vehicles surrounded the warehouse, on a tree-lined road in an industrial park just west of a shopping mall. Thornton listed Hoffman's Gun Center & Indoor Range in Newington as among his interests on his Facebook page. A company official declined to comment. Thornton filed for bankruptcy protection a decade ago. His Chapter 7 petition in 2000 listed $4,850 in assets, including a 1994 Chrysler Concorde, and more than $15,000 in liabilities — primarily debt on credit card and student loan payments. His debts were discharged in March 2001 and the case was closed the following month. The Connecticut Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities said Hartford Distributors has never had any complaints filed against it. The Hollander family is widely respected in Manchester, said state Rep. Ryan Barry, a lifelong resident. He said the family-owned Hartford Distributors sponsors local sports teams and the family is civic-minded. “Everybody knows the Hollanders as good, generous, upstanding people,” Barry said. “They're embedded in the community. Everyone knows Hartford Distributors. They treat their employees very well and they're part of the fabric of the town.” In a statement, Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell offered condolences to the victims' families and co-workers. “We are all left asking the same questions: How could someone do this? Why did they do this?” she said. added by: keithponder

Krugman To Unemployed Americans: Sorry, Folks, The Elites Just Aren’t Into You !

One of the smartest economist in the world nails it! added by: kennymotown

O’Day Continues to Hail Hitler … as Brilliant

Filed under: Exclusives In an attempt to clear up the “Hitler and Castro are Brilliant” controversy — Aubrey O’Day just issued the following statement to TMZ: “Murderers and dictators generally are some of the smartest people out there – they just use their brain power for …

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O’Day Continues to Hail Hitler … as Brilliant