Tag Archives: the-tastiest

Sara Sampaio Is The Karate Supermodel

Yesterday, we saw Kendall Jenner trying to be Rocky in the Love Magazine’s latest XMas video series and today we have Sara Sampaio showing off her karate skills. She can def kick Kendall’s ass. That’s for sure! And that is a fight I would like to see. » view all 17 photos                    

Originally posted here:
Sara Sampaio Is The Karate Supermodel

Bella Hadid Gets Into Food Porn

I guess Bella Hadid must’ve seen that video of Emily Ratajkowski rolling around in spaghetti in lingerie and figured that must be what real professional models do, because now here she is trying to copy her by rolling around naked on the dinner table. And I’ve got to admit, it’s the tastiest Bella’s looked in a long, long time.

Originally posted here:
Bella Hadid Gets Into Food Porn

Padma Lakshmi’s Super Impressive Cleavage

If any of you actually read these posts instead of just skipping straight to the pictures, then you probably already know that Top Chef is one of my favorite shows on TV. Mostly because of Padma Lakshmi here, who’s got to be the tastiest reality show host ever. And here she is dropping some mouthwatering cleavage at the NBC Upfronts in New York. And if this is a preview of what we can expect this season, I can’t wait. I’m drooling already. » view all 11 photos Photos: PacificCoastNews

Read more from the original source:
Padma Lakshmi’s Super Impressive Cleavage

Chocri Customized Chocolate Bars: Organic, Fair Trade, Tasty

As a dark chocolate fan who happens to be surrounded by some of the tastiest locally made cocoa treats (like Brooklyn’s Mast Brother’s Chocolates )–I wouldn’t often put in an overseas order for German-made bars. I like chocolate but I don’t need a special order of it flown over in a plane. I would however give ’em a taste test were it presented a gratis as happened with an invite from Chocri brand chocolates . (Oh the tough job I have!) They were somewha… Read the full story on TreeHugger

Read the rest here:
Chocri Customized Chocolate Bars: Organic, Fair Trade, Tasty