Less than a week after saying Dr. Phil was “the only one” who could save his troubled marriage, Evander Holyfield now refuses to go on the blowhard’s talk show. Over the weekend, the former boxing champ and wife Candi Holyfield were flown first class to L.A. by the show’s producers and put up at a hotel in Hollywood. But a private meeting between the couple and Dr. Phil at the host’s Beverly Hills mansion to discuss the format of their interview quickly turned into a disaster. “The truth is Evander did not like Dr. Phil and what he was proposing,” a source said. “There was a clash of personalities . He felt he was totally man-bashing him.” Whatever that means, it can’t be good! The Holyfields were also put off by Dr. Phil’s wife Robin who “was floating around the house entertaining other guests inside their massive mansion.” The Holyfields’ issues began earlier this month when Candi asked for a protective order, claiming Evander hit her during an argument in their home. Candi wanted him to turn up the thermostat and he allegedly beat her for not putting God first . There’s something in the Bible about thermostats. She later asked for the restraining order to be lifted. In order to rebuild their image, they reached out to Dr. Phil last week … but that went south. “He’s not the type of guy who likes to feel bullied,” says a source. “That was what Dr. Phil was trying to do and it wouldn’t help his marriage one iota.”
Evander Holyfield Hates, Bails on Dr. Phil
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged allegedly-beat, Beverly Hills, dr-phil, evander-holyfield, Gossip, Hollywood, holyfields, House, image, interview, quickly-turned, restraining, the-thermostat, thermostat, TMZ