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Source: gradyreese / Getty Having a sister is one of the coolest, most dramatic, loving, emotionally taxing experiences you can have in this life time. Having a sister is like having a built-in best friend, if you get along with them. Whether you’re sisters by blood, through marriage, sorority or friends who call themselves sisters, the bond is unlike any other human relationship. Even on the grander scheme of life, women are starting to band together more as a larger sisterhood, standing together against forces that try to tear us down —i.e. the male dominated government, entertainment industry, workforce, etc. Unity is key when it comes to sisterhood. Just ask Oprah who stressed the importance of sisterhood in her campaign speech for Georgia Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams . She proclaimed, “Only when we unite as sisters – and I don’t just mean ‘sistas’ – I mean sisters – black sisters, brown sisters, white sisters, Asian sisters, LGBTQ sisters. When we all unite, I know for sure a change is going to come.” Tyler Perry tapped into the unbreakable bond of sisterhood with his latest film Nobody’s Fool starring Tika Sumpter and Tiffany Haddish as siblings with totally opposite morals, values and goals in life. Tiffany revealed to Bustle what it was like working with Tika, saying, “I feel like we knew each other in a past life, and we finally met up in this life, and we making money now girl! Because we was poor in the other life,” Haddish says. Sumpter laughs, and adds, “We was stomping roaches together.” Don’t get us wrong — there are some downsides to having sisters that people without siblings can’t relate too. Like constantly being compared to them, the fights can get pretty catty and not to mention they steal your clothes. @WeeGeeFiji from Twitter tweeted, “The best thing about having 3 younger sisters is that we get to share everything from clothes to makeup which tbh is also the worst thing about having 3 sisters.” But the pros of being apart of a sisterhood can outweigh the bad. In the words of Cali Rae Turner, “The best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.” Facts, Cali! Be sure to check out Nobody’s Fool hitting theaters this weekend, and hit the flip for more films that you and your sister should watch together.