I can’t quite figure out if this picture of Rihanna is a step up from their last issue staring Snooki’s gut on a rocket , or if they went to the same barn they pulled that pig out of and came out with this….you see because something about Rihanna makes me hate her and in hating her leaves me unable to appreciate that she’s showing the world her ass in a magazine…and I think that’s that she’s got no talent, she was nothing but a teen hooker fucking British men in Barbados, who got some kind of break, probably cuz she was fucking British men in Barbados, and in turn became the entity that she’s not humble about in anyway. I have friends in Barbados and I’m surprised the bitch hasn’t been shot and thrown into the Ocean yet, cuz she is that hated there…but I guess I should learn to seperate myself from people I’ve never met, cuz even talking like this is making me feel weird….so look at her ass and forget all the wrong in the world she’s done..while remembering the best move of Chris Brown’s career was trying to kill the bitch to save humanity…but instead got in trouble for it…he’s really a bleach blonde hero…while Rihanna’s songtrack to her life is about being a blackhead…. FOLLOW ME
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Rihanna’s Ass on the cover of Rolling Stone of the Day