Tag Archives: their-college

Rihanna’s Ass on the cover of Rolling Stone of the Day

I can’t quite figure out if this picture of Rihanna is a step up from their last issue staring Snooki’s gut on a rocket , or if they went to the same barn they pulled that pig out of and came out with this….you see because something about Rihanna makes me hate her and in hating her leaves me unable to appreciate that she’s showing the world her ass in a magazine…and I think that’s that she’s got no talent, she was nothing but a teen hooker fucking British men in Barbados, who got some kind of break, probably cuz she was fucking British men in Barbados, and in turn became the entity that she’s not humble about in anyway. I have friends in Barbados and I’m surprised the bitch hasn’t been shot and thrown into the Ocean yet, cuz she is that hated there…but I guess I should learn to seperate myself from people I’ve never met, cuz even talking like this is making me feel weird….so look at her ass and forget all the wrong in the world she’s done..while remembering the best move of Chris Brown’s career was trying to kill the bitch to save humanity…but instead got in trouble for it…he’s really a bleach blonde hero…while Rihanna’s songtrack to her life is about being a blackhead…. FOLLOW ME

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Rihanna’s Ass on the cover of Rolling Stone of the Day

Courtney Cox Mom in a Bikini Again of the Day

Here’s Courtney Cox on set in a bikini, cuz TV doesn’t find mom’s in a bikini inappropriate, but I do. Nothing like a mom body in a bikini to encourage us to get married, knock a bitch up, only to leave her and spend your money on young groupie pussy, until you realize that you can’t keep up with young groupie pussy, and that all they want is for you to be a dancing monkey novelty act they show off to their friends at their college parties all while spending your Scream 1 through 3 money, that you don’t mind them spending until their tighter than your wife’s pussy gets boring and you get tired, making you crawl back to the familar menopausal vagina, tell her that you miss her and the kid, and that you want your old life back, blaming a midlife crisis and jealous about her and her costar from TV, only for all this to be a thing of the fucking past….Right?…. FOLLOW ME

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Courtney Cox Mom in a Bikini Again of the Day

College Planner and Educational Consultant Discusses Party Schools …

As I tell parents, the fact is that any school is a party school . Further, you are right to point out that any campus, including yours, has many more aspects to it than Playboy (or US News or Kiplinger’s or Barrons or Princeton Review ) can or will take into account in their rankings. In the end, it’s all about finding the best match for each individual student

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College Planner and Educational Consultant Discusses Party Schools …

College Rankings 2010: The Best 371 Colleges

The Princeton Review recently released their annual rankings of colleges. Here they rank the best colleges in a number of categories (62 in total) ranging from the Best Dorms and Most Beautiful Colleges to the Top Party Schools and the Biggest Greek Scene.

Among the top category winners include:

  • Best Professors – Davidson College
  • Most Beautiful Campus – Colgate University
  • Best Campus Food – Virginia Tech
  • Best Dorms – Smith College
  • Biggest Party School – Penn State
  • Students Pack the Stadiums – Penn State
  • Best Financial Aid – Swarthmore College
  • Best Career Services – University of Florida
  • Best Classroom Experience – Pomona College
  • Most Accessible Profs – U.S. Military Academy
  • Most Conservative Students – Texas A&M University
  • Most Liberal Students – Warren Wilson College
  • Most Politically Active Students – George Washington University
  • Least Religious Students – Bennington College
  • Race / Class Relations Friendliest – University of Miami
  • Gay Community Most Accepted – New York University
  • Top Stone-Cold Sober Schools – Brigham Young University
  • Everyone Plays Intramural Sports – Notre Dame
  • Best Athletic Facilities – University of Maryland
  • Best Town-Gown Relations – Clemson University
  • Students Study the Most – Cal Tech
  • Students Study the Least – West Virginia University
  • Happiest Students – Brown University
  • Least Happy Students – United States Merchant Marine Academy
  • Biggest Greek Scene – Wofford College

The rankings are based on surveys taken by 122,000 college students across the country. The 80-question survey asked students about their college’s academics, administration, campus life, student body, and themselves.