Tag Archives: their-feminist

Kate Hudson is a Hard Nippled Mom in Shorts of the DAy

Kate Hudson is a terrible person….at least that is what I would assume, seeing as I have never met her, and have no idea what her deal is….I just like to judge girls pushing 40 on her having run through so many celebrity cocks….being the cute daughter of Goldie Hawn, who you can assume that in her teens was at all the exclusive parties ripping coke, and taking cock, and getting pregnant by older men…only to have their kid…before leading Owen Wilson to killing himself…or at least trying, despite what Zoolander fans wanted him to do… She’s not all that hot, but she’s got a great ass and she looks good now thanks to breeding at a young age. She’s not all that talented, but she knows the right people, and knowing the right people is all you need. She’s made a ton of money acting, all because she’s Goldie Hawn’s Daughter…reminding us that acting is really a joke and once you break into the scene, you’re good. She’s been linked to a lot of people, one would call her a slut…but not me, because I like girls who fuck a lot…not for their herpes, or because it means they are better at fucking, but for their inability to control themselves…because they are easier for me to finger when they have 2 drinks in them…. All this to say, she’s showing some cleavage, she looks good, whether she was a mom or not, and over analyzing her vagina and all it has been through, or her career..or even that she lead Owen Wilson to suicide….can’t take away from that…I’m a fan. The post Kate Hudson is a Hard Nippled Mom in Shorts of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson is a Hard Nippled Mom in Shorts of the DAy

Naked Women’s Rights Protesters for Women’s Day of the Day

There’s not better way to celebrate women, or International Women’s Day, thank with nudity, because if there is one thing I know that I love about women, it isn’t their nagging, or their feminist women’s right bullshit, but rather their exposed vaginas and tits trying to get ahead, get attention, prove a point, or get pregnant to lock down their man… I mean, feminists hate me, they think I objectify women, while anyone with a brain knows these bitches just objectify themselves…they could be doctors and lawyers but instead become nude models…trying to get famous…hate the system… Here they are protesting abortions… The post Naked Women’s Rights Protesters for Women’s Day of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Naked Women’s Rights Protesters for Women’s Day of the Day

Kaili Thorne’s Naked and Covered in Period of the Day

My favorite thing about these high concept lesbians hipster artist people is when they think they are being revolutionary when they start using their periods to make art… You know stapling used tampons to a canvas with a period blood happy face drawn on it….it’s so innovative and meaningful and really gets their feminist message that women’s bodies are a beautiful thing….acrosss Sure it’s been done before, and doing it now is played out and amateur, but we’ll let them think they are one a mission, because usually it comes with nudity and nudity…is something I like looking at, no matter what the misguided bullshit reason for it is…

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Kaili Thorne’s Naked and Covered in Period of the Day