Tag Archives: their-nonsense

Natasha Barnard for Freya Lingerie of the Day

Natasha Barnard is a South African model, who before doing this very important shoot for Freya Lingerie, was in Sports Illustrated Swimsuit, because I guess Sports Illustrated likes South African girls, they use a handful of them in their nonsense… Maybe they use a South African photographer, or maybe these models come at a discount, due to the risk associated with them having HIV according to their national HIV stats, a risk that I don’t consider a risk when they look like this, because I’ve had unprotected sex with way fucking worse that probably had a higher risk of HIV thanks to a life of living on the streets, needle sharing and prostituting… Not that any SI models actually get paid, that’s why they all go onto score rich husbands… Either way, here’s the lingerie…..boring catalog nonsense…

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Natasha Barnard for Freya Lingerie of the Day

Some Chick Named Sarah Lane Takes Big Titty Pics of the Day

I do not know if this Sarah Lane is the same Sarah Lane that has a Wikipedia page….I just know this Sarah Lane has huge tits. The Sarah Lane on Wikipedia was on G4TV when G4TV still existed…I didn’t bother looking her up to see if she had huge tits…but she does have a fan base of virgin loser nerds, who probably simulate weddings with her, and hold her on some pedestal she doesn’t deserve to be put on, but talks the talk that gets her there…you see cuz virgin losers like any girls who show any sign of interest in their nonsense obsessions….even fatties… I don’t know what this shoot is for, but I do know it is done properly..next time more nipple.

See the rest here:
Some Chick Named Sarah Lane Takes Big Titty Pics of the Day