Tag Archives: their-recently

Katy Perry’s Mom Bikini of the Day

Katy Perry posted this high waisted bikini, hat, bag in silly fabric because she’s silly combo on some boat called Sassy…because I guess she’s Sassy, but not sassy enough to take a sexy bikini pic I would consider trying to masturbate to, but rather more of a mom on a resort bikini photo that doesn’t give boners, but that does make you hope she’s got an eighteen year old daughter with her to give you something better to look at, you know traveling on their recently divorced, you dad cheated on me, let’s go to Mexico tour…I mean she’s got the tits, she just hasn’t quite figured out how to use them without being absolutely awkward as fuck…but maybe you like awkward bikini pics, and if you do, here it is…

Original post:
Katy Perry’s Mom Bikini of the Day

Vanessa Hudgens Releases $$$ex Video

Vanessa Hudgens has released a new sex tape. Sort of. The actress – who was actually involved in a nude photo scandal years ago and who now stars in the raunchy Spring Breakers – has teamed with girl group YLA and released a 30-second tease of their recently recorded single, “$$$ex.” “We just wanted to dance and get crazy,” Hudgens wrote on Tumblr. “You don’t have to go to Spring Break, you can bring Spring Break to youuu! We had ours in the kitchen. LOL! Sooo much fun.” Check out the video now and then save yourself $10 at the theater. This is pretty much Spring Breakers in a nutshell: Vanessa Hudgens – “$$$ex”

See the original post here:
Vanessa Hudgens Releases $$$ex Video

Video- New ad: Whose back does Obama have?


See the rest here:

By Susan Duclos Today the Emergency Committee for Israel released a 60-second ad highlighting a disturbing election-year pattern of behavior by President Obama. First in 2008, and again this week, he has appeared before crowds of pro-Israel Americans to make promises about his commitment to Israel’s security. Each time, he has voided those promises at the first opportunity. Video below: he Emergency… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Wake Up America Discovery Date : 08/03/2012 16:06 Number of articles : 2

Video- New ad: Whose back does Obama have?

Book Notes – Austin Kleon – "Steal Like an Artist"


Excerpt from:

In the Book Notes series, authors create and discuss a music playlist that relates in some way to their recently published book. Previous contributors include Bret Easton Ellis, Kate Christensen, Kevin Brockmeier, George Pelecanos, Dana Spiotta, Amy Bloom, David… Broadcasting platform : Vimeo Source : Largehearted Boy Discovery Date : 09/03/2012 19:33 Number of articles : 2

Book Notes – Austin Kleon – "Steal Like an Artist"