“You is motherf**** wrong …” Did Beyoncé Copy OG Maco For Her New Video? Rapper OG Maco who’s known for his track “You Guessed It”, caught some stings from the BeyHive this week when he accused King Bey of stealing his music video concept. As previously reported Beyoncé recently released her “7/11″ video which features herself and her dancers going ham in a hotel. Maco, whose video was also filmed in a hotel like Bey’s, noted the similarities and started by writing the tweets below. He then retweeted fans who agreed with him… before getting ALL the way shut down by the BeyHive. Poor thang! For comparison purposes here’s “You Guessed It”… and here’s “7/11.” What do YOU think??? Was Baddie Bey inspired by OG Maco for her “7/11″ video????
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Bish You Tried It! Rapper OG Maco Says Beyoncé Stole His Concept For Her ’7/11′ Music Video