Tag Archives: thing-worse

Darrell Issa’s Pants Are On Fire: Congressman Tries to Make Clean Energy Tax Credits a “Scandal”


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What’s the only thing worse than turning a Congressional investigation into a months-long political circus? The leaders of that investigation not having a firm grasp of the policies they’re supposed to be examining. California Republican Darrell Issa chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, one of the top bodies responsible for looking into Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 25/01/2012 05:01 Number of articles : 2

Darrell Issa’s Pants Are On Fire: Congressman Tries to Make Clean Energy Tax Credits a “Scandal”

Darrell Issa’s Pants Are On Fire: Congressman Tries to Make Clean Energy Tax Credits a “Scandal”


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What’s the only thing worse than turning a Congressional investigation into a months-long political circus? The leaders of that investigation not having a firm grasp of the policies they’re supposed to be examining. California Republican Darrell Issa chairs the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, one of the top bodies responsible for looking into Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Think Progress Discovery Date : 25/01/2012 05:01 Number of articles : 2

Darrell Issa’s Pants Are On Fire: Congressman Tries to Make Clean Energy Tax Credits a “Scandal”

The Mike & Molly Fat Tracker: ‘You’re Sweating Like a 300 Pound Hooker in Church’

What is the one thing worse than sitting through a three-hour opera while sick? Watching an overweight sitcom character sweat through a three-hour opera while he’s sick. Hence last night’s episode of Mike & Molly , “Mike Goes to the Opera,” in which Mike caught a virus and his friends and family missed no less than ten opportunities to make fat jokes at his blubbery expense. “Don’t they just put animals your size down when they get sick?”* Hey-oh?

Go here to read the rest:
The Mike & Molly Fat Tracker: ‘You’re Sweating Like a 300 Pound Hooker in Church’