Tag Archives: things-right

Senior Citizens Gone Wild Ad of the Day

With the invention of Viagra….the STD Rate for old people has gone up by over 70 percent….because now old people can fuck and more importantly, their wives or husbands have died off and they are ready for a good fucking time…you know slut out for all those miserbale years of monogamy….and they are doing it raw dog…cuz condoms are for pussies…and more importantly….not needed cuz bitch is a senior and no longer fertile….and loose vagina so it is the only way dude can feel anything before busting on her old lady face and filling up her wrinkles like a collagen treatment….. I am sure this is anything new….it just takes one slutty old lady to bang a pervert….or one old man to bang a hooker….to ruin it for everyone in the community….It is definitely nothing hot….or really anything I’d want to ever imagine being a part of just too much loose fitting skin….dryness…ailments….death….smells….but I would like to witness it…. All thanks to Florida’s Safe Sex for Seniors campaign that has be fascinated in what all those years of experience can do in the bedroom….next time let’s hope they don’t run an ad….but instead make a porno…. It’s always nice to be reminded your granny is a gutter slut when you think all bitch does is bake cookes and make clowns for charity…. Thanks to COPYRANTER for the time!

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Senior Citizens Gone Wild Ad of the Day

Hayden Panettiere’s Hot Little Body in a Bikini of the Day

I used to try to understand what Hayden Panettiere’s love for huge men was. She dated some massive boxer, who even if he had a small dick compared to his size, it was probably bigger than her forearm, cuz she’s like a mini human, on a midget kick…..and now she’s dating a pro football player…. I just guessed she just likes to get fucked hard, violently, by guys with great athleticism, that can really destory her and make her unable to fucking walk….. But then I found out there are rumors she was part of a child prostitution sex ring where she was raped by execs thanks to her loving parents, and figured it out….her pussy was stretched out at a young age….her sexual needs are more insane than the average cuz even at 20 or whatever age she is…she’s seen it all, had it all, and is bored of it all….so she sticks to dudes who can ravage her…. Either way, she’s in Hawaii, in a bikini, being active and I’m into her short little hustle…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Hayden Panettiere’s Hot Little Body in a Bikini of the Day

Miley Cyrus Hot, Young, Tight Body Showing Abs and a Hot Ass of the Day

Miley Cyrus is go to be the death of me….. I have fell into her good old wholesome, billionaire, bratty LA kid with a hick accent from a broken home, with a relatively embarrassing father, trap….. All because she’s looking amazing…tight bodied…the way I want my young pussy I like to think about fucking….but don’t actually fuck…you know look 16 when 19…to make shit legal…it will get you work…you fit little thing I want to chip a tooth on… From Showing Titty When Shopping ….to crotch flashing ….she’s worth paying attention to…she does things right…from slutting out when she was underage….to maintaining her figure and cock teasing now…..I am in love…..thank you Disney for breeding such a fine specimen of fucked up child star slut. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Miley Cyrus Hot, Young, Tight Body Showing Abs and a Hot Ass of the Day