Tag Archives: think-failing

stepGIRLS Like their Drinking of the Day

I like to drink…and I like most people around me to like to drink. I once knew a guy who never drank, because he liked the idea of being under control, I guess because he was so fucking uptight he feared what he would do out of control, in what was a very uncomfortable time going out with him as his judgmental eyes stared at me creepily while I had all the fun…you know some American Psycho shit…all weird, awkward, freaky…even psychotic from never having a good time, or getting laid…since sex and booze are best friends, unless you’re a feminist leader in this RAPE CULTURE movement…where you’d tell a different story…rape is bad. So unless you’ve been arrested for being drunk, or you’ve really ruined your life and almost died because of being drunk, you have no right to not get drunk… Win hen I came across this RUM BLENDER concept of blending your own RUM…customized booze is far better than the swill I would drink when I couldn’t afford to drink anything but swill…Luxury…you mean there’s actual choice in alcohol beyond “anything cheap that won’t make me go blind…”… Either way, I was so blown away that I had gift my friend in Australia with a bottle…Australia has hot girls…who like to drink…and I guess he gifted me with these pics of some back in the sand with the gift…yes I buy people gifts….when they bring me gifts via stepGIRLS in bathing suits looking good… Girl, Booze, Beach, Bathing Suit, Tits, Body, Sand….just don’t drink and swim motherfuckers, drowning while drunk is a fail… GET YOUR RUM BLENDER BLEND YOUR RUM BLENDER LIVE YOUR RUM BLENDER CHECK IT OUT The post stepGIRLS Like their Drinking of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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stepGIRLS Like their Drinking of the Day

Ashely Graham See Through of the Day

Ashley Graham is the fat girl that SI is using to appear politically correct in an era of social justice warriors who have groups and pages on Facebook and who can collectively target, boycott, ban and write worded emails to the advertisers and the execs at the magazines, basically annoying the fuck out of everyone… So just throw a fat pig of a bitch who represents zero Athletic, unless you think failing at a pilates class once, or walking on the treadmill to justify pigging out on cake is a fitness. And everyone will be ok with the 1000s of pics of hot bodied whores half naked inside the magazine…clever fucks…and while they’re at it, just make sure there’s at least one nipple shot of the pig, so you know she’s not as sloppy a cow as you’d think and that she actually has perkier, full, rounded big tits…like a fat girl…but not like a sloppy fat girl… Maybe she is everything you ever wanted and not just for black and hispanic men who love this big girl shit… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS OF THE EVENT CLICK HERE The post Ashely Graham See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ashely Graham See Through of the Day