Tag Archives: think-it-more

13,000 Cyclists Take Over Toronto Highways

We often complain about how Toronto favours the driver over the cyclist, but for one day a year cyclists rule the city as the two main highways are closed down for the Becel Ride for the Heart , a fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation sponsored by a margarine company. (Michael Pollan would not approve ) So while the … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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13,000 Cyclists Take Over Toronto Highways

Breaking Down the BP Gulf Spill Blame Game

At the end of last week, Grist came out with this handy infographic that breaks down where the blame for the BP Gulf spill lies. It’s a useful tool to help visualize the scope of the problems that caused the disaster, and I think it more or less gets it right. And there’s a reason that BP is only 37% responsible, despite being the public face of the spill (as it should). But… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Breaking Down the BP Gulf Spill Blame Game