Tag Archives: often-complain

Bike Floss: The Next Step in (Disposable) Sustainable Bike Maintenance?

Image credit: Purple Harry From recycling bikes for inner city youth to a truly massive hoard of reclaimed bikes somewhere in England, one of the most endearing things about bicycle-based transportation is the relative ease and economy with which individuals can maintain, and even rebuild, their trusty stead. But sadly, bike maintenance may be a dying art. All too often, bikes are purchased as a consumer item and discarded wh… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Bike Floss: The Next Step in (Disposable) Sustainable Bike Maintenance?

Wretched Excess Dept: The Interiors of Private Jets

We do go on that flying is dying , and have complained before about the carbon footprint of private jets . We often complain about ostentatious monster homes. But I have never seen anything like a slideshow in the Telegraph of the interiors of the Monster Houses of the sky, the private jets of African dictators and other heads of state. They are a… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Wretched Excess Dept: The Interiors of Private Jets

13,000 Cyclists Take Over Toronto Highways

We often complain about how Toronto favours the driver over the cyclist, but for one day a year cyclists rule the city as the two main highways are closed down for the Becel Ride for the Heart , a fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation sponsored by a margarine company. (Michael Pollan would not approve ) So while the … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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13,000 Cyclists Take Over Toronto Highways

Miley Cyrus: Spirit Broken, Still Off Twitter

Dear Miley Cyrus, We get it. You are no longer on Twitter . You really don’t need to keep telling everyone about it

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Miley Cyrus: Spirit Broken, Still Off Twitter