Tag Archives: think-the-real

Jessa and Jill Duggar: Josh Made Mistakes, But He’s Changed!

Earlier today, Megyn Kelly offered a preview of her interview with Jill and Jessa Duggar that’s set to air tonight on Fox News. Speaking with Extra, Kelly revealed that Jill and Jessa have forgiven Josh Duggar for molesting them several times when they were 11 and 9, respectively. Now, further information about the Duggar girls’ interview has been released, and the new excerpts suggest that Jill and Jessa have not only forgiven their older brother, they’ve also started offering justifications for his actions. Asked about the hypocrisy of a man who’s admitted to incestuous sex crimes condemning homosexuality as destructive to families, Jessa defended her brother’s right to talk out of both sides of his mouth: “It’s right to say ‘here’s what I believe, here’s my values,’ even if you’ve made stupid mistakes or failures,” Jessa says in the interview. “If you’ve had failures in your past it doesn’t mean you can’t be changed. I think that’s where, I think the real issue is people are making this sound like it happened yesterday.” The girls also addressed the steps their parents took to try and prevent further abuse from taking place, and the rumors that father Jim Bob designed the Duggar house to keep Josh away from the girls . “My parents said, ‘OK, we’re not going to do this hide and seek thing where two people go off and hide together,’” Jill says when asked about the precautions. “Locks on the doors. You know, everybody’s in bed — girls in the girls’ room, boys in the boys’ room.” A segment that aired on Wednesday night showed the girls confirming that they were molested by Josh and complaining of being victimized by the media. The Megyn Kelly interview with Jessa and Jill will air on Fox News tonight, beginning at 9 pm EST. View Slideshow: 23 Biggest Duggar Family Scandals

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Jessa and Jill Duggar: Josh Made Mistakes, But He’s Changed!

The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

In the latest edition of As Charlie Sheen’s Hilariously Troubled World Turns… Brooke Mueller has responded to the video that depicts her young twins hanging around Sheen’s “goddesses” and taken action to wrestle physical custody of them from her ex-husband. One problem, according to TMZ? She went to the wrong police station to do so. Sheen’s lawyer, Marty Singer, has fired off a letter to Warner Bros. and CBS that demands Sheen gets paid for the full season of Two and a Half Men , lest these companies face legal action. It reads: “Warner Bros. made it clear they wanted Charlie back for two more years, even with the prospect that he could go to jail. They made a deal with him while the charges were pending. But now that Charlie made some disparaging comments about the show runner who had refused to work… they made a decision not to proceed with the show this year. It’s outrageous.” On its own, that statement actually makes a solid argument. Following the uproar over how Sheen referred to creator Chuck Lorre as “Chaim,” the actor has asked for an apology from the Anti-Defamation League for saying the actor exhibited “borderline anti-Semitism” via that comment. Singer has also sent that organization a letter that demands a retraction because his clien’s only intention was to “address the man rather than his television persona.” In what he claims will be his final new interview, Sheen called in to the Howard Stern radio show today. Among the tidbits shared: He’s never made a sex tape. He isn’t worried about returning to Two and a Half Men : “I don’t believe in panicking – panicking is for amateurs and morons.” He thinks CBS President Les Moonves ought to fire Lorre: “Chuck wants out, because he’s burned out. He’s got three shows, and he has forgotten that ours was the one who launched the other two… And he’s trying to make me the fall guy, and he’s not going to do it because his tactics are silly and juvenile, and the work of an amateur. I think the real solution is that Les should just fire him and put me back on, and everybody wins.” But isn’t Sheen already WINNING? Listen to the Stern interview below. Charlie Sheen Howard Stern Interview

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The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

Holly Sampson Promotes Some Website By Admitting Tiger Woods Sex of the Day

So Holly Sampson is a high end whore when she isn’t doing porn. She’s gone a long way from the girl I used to jerk off to when she was Kevin Arnold’s love interest on the vacation episode, reminding me that you never know where a pussy you once jerked off to will end up, and maybe that speicific day or year she won’t bang you, but as life goes on, shit shifts and I guess dreams do come true. Not that I’m really into her anymore because she’s a 36 year old expensive whore who’s pussy has had more sausage than Oktoberfest, not that that’s stopped me before, but those other girls weren’t rocking these bullshit egos about how long they’ve been in the game, or how many celeb cock they’ve had, they are more in the too desperate and humilated while wasted category of whore who doesn’t like admitting they are whores.


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Holly Sampson Promotes Some Website By Admitting Tiger Woods Sex of the Day

POLL: What Do You Think About Kanye’s Outburst?

Kanye West says he was just keeping it real when he made his astonishing outburst at the VMA’s this weekend. But what do you think about Kanye?  Predict more polls like this at www.ePlay.com

POLL: What Do You Think About Kanye’s Outburst?

Kanye West Is A Snake

Amber Rose may have arrived to the VMAs in a snakeskin cat suit, but we think the real snake of the evening is the guy on her arm, Kanye West .

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Kanye West Is A Snake