Tag Archives: troubled-world

Katie Holmes Sues Tabloid For $50 Million

Katie Holmes is seeking damages of $50 million from American Media, the owner of celebrity gossip tabloid Star, based on a recent cover story. The lawsuit, over a cover extreme even by Star standards, takes issue with reports that Katie is on drugs , and was filed in federal court in L.A. Star’s “vicious lies about plaintiff, designed to hype sales of a sleazy tabloid magazine, were calculated to cause severe harm,” reads the suit . DRUG SHOCKER : The shocker is that they printed this! “The average reader (would invariably) believe that plaintiff has become shockingly addicted to drugs. There is no other way to understand them.” The suit continues: “The cover even created the false impression that, but for plaintiff’s nightmare drug addiction, she would ‘leave’ her husband.” In a statement, AMI said it stood behind the story in Star, which also raised eyebrows for reporting Jason Trawick beat up Britney Spears last year. Inside, the magazine backs off the claim of addiction, citing incidents in which Holmes joins Scientology sessions where an “e-meter” is used. Used in the controversial group’s auditing sessions, e-meters allegedly measure electrical resistance and reflecs past emotional experiences. The article states that the electrical device might release endorphins, or “hormones that cause a pain-killing, mood-elevating effect.” A Scientology member (not Tom Cruise) is quoted as saying about using the e-meter, “Like a heroin addict, you want another dose.” Yup, better get ready to pay up guys.

Katie Holmes Sues Tabloid For $50 Million

The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

In the latest edition of As Charlie Sheen’s Hilariously Troubled World Turns… Brooke Mueller has responded to the video that depicts her young twins hanging around Sheen’s “goddesses” and taken action to wrestle physical custody of them from her ex-husband. One problem, according to TMZ? She went to the wrong police station to do so. Sheen’s lawyer, Marty Singer, has fired off a letter to Warner Bros. and CBS that demands Sheen gets paid for the full season of Two and a Half Men , lest these companies face legal action. It reads: “Warner Bros. made it clear they wanted Charlie back for two more years, even with the prospect that he could go to jail. They made a deal with him while the charges were pending. But now that Charlie made some disparaging comments about the show runner who had refused to work… they made a decision not to proceed with the show this year. It’s outrageous.” On its own, that statement actually makes a solid argument. Following the uproar over how Sheen referred to creator Chuck Lorre as “Chaim,” the actor has asked for an apology from the Anti-Defamation League for saying the actor exhibited “borderline anti-Semitism” via that comment. Singer has also sent that organization a letter that demands a retraction because his clien’s only intention was to “address the man rather than his television persona.” In what he claims will be his final new interview, Sheen called in to the Howard Stern radio show today. Among the tidbits shared: He’s never made a sex tape. He isn’t worried about returning to Two and a Half Men : “I don’t believe in panicking – panicking is for amateurs and morons.” He thinks CBS President Les Moonves ought to fire Lorre: “Chuck wants out, because he’s burned out. He’s got three shows, and he has forgotten that ours was the one who launched the other two… And he’s trying to make me the fall guy, and he’s not going to do it because his tactics are silly and juvenile, and the work of an amateur. I think the real solution is that Les should just fire him and put me back on, and everybody wins.” But isn’t Sheen already WINNING? Listen to the Stern interview below. Charlie Sheen Howard Stern Interview

The rest is here:
The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

In the latest edition of As Charlie Sheen’s Hilariously Troubled World Turns… Brooke Mueller has responded to the video that depicts her young twins hanging around Sheen’s “goddesses” and taken action to wrestle physical custody of them from her ex-husband. One problem, according to TMZ? She went to the wrong police station to do so. Sheen’s lawyer, Marty Singer, has fired off a letter to Warner Bros. and CBS that demands Sheen gets paid for the full season of Two and a Half Men , lest these companies face legal action. It reads: “Warner Bros. made it clear they wanted Charlie back for two more years, even with the prospect that he could go to jail. They made a deal with him while the charges were pending. But now that Charlie made some disparaging comments about the show runner who had refused to work… they made a decision not to proceed with the show this year. It’s outrageous.” On its own, that statement actually makes a solid argument. Following the uproar over how Sheen referred to creator Chuck Lorre as “Chaim,” the actor has asked for an apology from the Anti-Defamation League for saying the actor exhibited “borderline anti-Semitism” via that comment. Singer has also sent that organization a letter that demands a retraction because his clien’s only intention was to “address the man rather than his television persona.” In what he claims will be his final new interview, Sheen called in to the Howard Stern radio show today. Among the tidbits shared: He’s never made a sex tape. He isn’t worried about returning to Two and a Half Men : “I don’t believe in panicking – panicking is for amateurs and morons.” He thinks CBS President Les Moonves ought to fire Lorre: “Chuck wants out, because he’s burned out. He’s got three shows, and he has forgotten that ours was the one who launched the other two… And he’s trying to make me the fall guy, and he’s not going to do it because his tactics are silly and juvenile, and the work of an amateur. I think the real solution is that Les should just fire him and put me back on, and everybody wins.” But isn’t Sheen already WINNING? Listen to the Stern interview below. Charlie Sheen Howard Stern Interview

Read the rest here:
The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

In the latest edition of As Charlie Sheen’s Hilariously Troubled World Turns… Brooke Mueller has responded to the video that depicts her young twins hanging around Sheen’s “goddesses” and taken action to wrestle physical custody of them from her ex-husband. One problem, according to TMZ? She went to the wrong police station to do so. Sheen’s lawyer, Marty Singer, has fired off a letter to Warner Bros. and CBS that demands Sheen gets paid for the full season of Two and a Half Men , lest these companies face legal action. It reads: “Warner Bros. made it clear they wanted Charlie back for two more years, even with the prospect that he could go to jail. They made a deal with him while the charges were pending. But now that Charlie made some disparaging comments about the show runner who had refused to work… they made a decision not to proceed with the show this year. It’s outrageous.” On its own, that statement actually makes a solid argument. Following the uproar over how Sheen referred to creator Chuck Lorre as “Chaim,” the actor has asked for an apology from the Anti-Defamation League for saying the actor exhibited “borderline anti-Semitism” via that comment. Singer has also sent that organization a letter that demands a retraction because his clien’s only intention was to “address the man rather than his television persona.” In what he claims will be his final new interview, Sheen called in to the Howard Stern radio show today. Among the tidbits shared: He’s never made a sex tape. He isn’t worried about returning to Two and a Half Men : “I don’t believe in panicking – panicking is for amateurs and morons.” He thinks CBS President Les Moonves ought to fire Lorre: “Chuck wants out, because he’s burned out. He’s got three shows, and he has forgotten that ours was the one who launched the other two… And he’s trying to make me the fall guy, and he’s not going to do it because his tactics are silly and juvenile, and the work of an amateur. I think the real solution is that Les should just fire him and put me back on, and everybody wins.” But isn’t Sheen already WINNING? Listen to the Stern interview below. Charlie Sheen Howard Stern Interview

More here:
The Charlie Sheen Rundown: Custody, Apology, Legal Demands…

World Leaders As Juggalos

Could a little wicked clown love bring this troubled world together? Let's find out. View