Tag Archives: third-on-season

Should Casey James Be the Next Bachelor?

He came in third on season nine of American Idol . But Casey James might wanna finish first in the heart of a reality show contestant, he admits, recently expressing an interest in The Bachelor . After everyone’s favorite host/pimp, Chris Harrison, ran into James at a party last month, he told the singer that he’d perfect for the ABC series. Responded James to OK! Weekly : “I’ll try anything once. I’m always up for a new experience.” Plenty of room under these arms, ladies! James is busy with the American Idol tour right now, but you can imagine his reaction when pitched the idea of 25 women competing for his attention: “Oh, God, that sounds horrible!” he joked, adding: “Sign me up!” When Casey first auditioned for the Fox competition, Kara DioGuardi openly swooned over him and made James take off his shirt . He’s been considered a singing stud ever since. If James doesn’t take on the role, the next Bachelor will likely be one of Ali’s castoffs from this season: Chris, Roberto, Kirk or Frank .