Tag Archives: thirsty hoes

Hi ‘Half Breed’ Hater: NeNe Leakes Responds To Claudia Jordan’s ‘Basic Bish’ Diss & Calls Her A Thirsty Attention Slore

When will it end????? NeNe Leakes’ Claudia Jordan Diss Remember when we told you that Claudia Jordan went IN on NeNe Leakes for her reckless azz “half-breed” diss on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta”??? Well after catching word that Claudia dubbed her a”basic bish” and a chicken flavored “top ramen head”, NeNe responded via Twitter and called the newbie thirsty… before dubbing a fan a “slave” for taking her side.  SMH…so nasty and so rude. Claudia also recently clapped back via a TMZ interview and assured NeNe that her cl*t has NOT left her body despite what NeNe said during that epic shade fest in Puerto Rico. “I took a shower this morning, my cl*t is still there and it’s still feeling good. It’s still with me!” Petty, petty, petty. What do YOU think about NeNe and Claudia’s silly azz beef???? Who’s the wrong one in this drama???

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Hi ‘Half Breed’ Hater: NeNe Leakes Responds To Claudia Jordan’s ‘Basic Bish’ Diss & Calls Her A Thirsty Attention Slore

‘A Dog, Really?!’ Diamond Of L&HH Gets Blasted For Hiding Her Daughter From Her Boyfriend By Pretending She’s A Mutt

Epitome of a bad mother ! Diamond Strawberry Pretends Her Daughter Is A Dog Darryl Strawberry’s daughter Diamond got blasted during Monday’s episode of “Love & Hip Hop NY” after it was revealed that she hid her 6-year-old daughter from her boyfriend. The starlet who also left the little girl behind to chase her man, had a sit down with her “boyfriend” Cisco and explained to him that she pretended her daughter was a dog barking in the background during their phone convos. Get More: Love & Hip Hop 5 This bish CAN NOT be serious. As the show was airing and the seedy details were coming out, Diamond was (rightfully) blasted by people who couldn’t believe that a mother wouldn’t claim their child. Awww look at Diamond taking pictures with her dog ..oops I mean daughter Continue reading

True Or False? MMG Rapper Fat Trel’s Scorned Baby Mama Claims He Is Smashing Blac Chyna Behind Tyga’s Back

Say it ain’t so! Those two look like such a wholesome, faithful couple… Fat Trel’s Baby Mama Claims He Is Having An Affair With Blac Chyna Up-and-coming MMG rapper Fat Trel has no shortage of Baby Mama Drama. He already has one child that he is apparently still seeking a paternity test for, and now according to Twitter, a new one on the way with a young woman with a lot of disdain for the rapper and quite a mouth on her. A user by the name of @ChrisssssyV popped up on twitter making reckless claims about Gleesh’s past, refusal to claim paternity, and general personality flaws earlier today. In the midst of her tweeted allegations that he “ain’t a real n*gga” and is “overly pressed for b*tches,” she dropped a potential bomb on the relationship of the first couple of stripper/rapper unity: Tyga and Blac Chyna. Beyond this point, a heated exchange ensued between this alleged new Baby Mama and Fat Trel’s known Baby Mama @upper_echalant. No not echelon…”echalant.” Get it right. LADIES! Aren’t there more important things to fight over? At the very least, more attractive men who actually claim all their children. But, we digress… Back to the topic at hand…do you think there’s any truth to this Chrissy lady’s claims about Trel’s trip to Chyna?

Read the rest here:
True Or False? MMG Rapper Fat Trel’s Scorned Baby Mama Claims He Is Smashing Blac Chyna Behind Tyga’s Back

Biter Alert: A Gallery Of Celebs Accused Of Stealing Styles

High-Profile Celebs Accused Of Stealing Styles “Originality” is a dying concept, especially in the entertainment industry where world-famous celebs shamelessly “borrow” styles from anyone (and everyone) like Google Image searches/obsessive stans don’t exist. Hit the jump for a gallery of A-C List celebs accused of stealing styles .

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Biter Alert: A Gallery Of Celebs Accused Of Stealing Styles

No Chill: Serial Sidechick Sandrina Shultz Talks Creeping With Dwyane Wade, Lamar Odom & Says She Doesn’t Feel Sorry For Gabby Or Khloe

Serial Mistress Sandrina Shultz Speaks On Dating Lamar Odom & Dwyane Wade 2014 has definitely been the year of the secret sidechick struggle and one name that seems to repeatedly surface anytime there’s mention of groupies or jump-offs is Sandrina Shultz. Sandrina most recently made headlines as the shameless former sidepiece of Dwyane Wade before his actual secret babymama was revealed and she’s also been linked to troubled NBA baller Lamar Odom in the midst of his struggle to keep his marriage to Khloe Kardashian afloat. Sandrina recently chatted with Black Sports Online’s “The Break Room” and no topic was off limits, including her relationships with Dwade and Lamar, Khloe being a sidepiece, not feeling sorry, private investigators at her door step and more. Check out what she had to say below On her thoughts about being called a groupie: You know, that’s a very good thing that I did wanna talk about because there are groupies out there that are bad ones but, then there’s the good groupies that are successful. You know, Kim Kardashian and Khloe Kardashian and all of them. But, my take on the whole groupie thing is that I have a certain group of men that I’m interested in and thus far, it’s been basketball players…NBA players. So, for me, when someone calls me a groupie, I don’t get offended because I do love those group of men..that’s how I take the word groupie . And I’m just like them. Whether they love the dark-skinned girls or the light skinned-girls with big booties and long hair and all these other kind of characteristics that they like; they, themselves are groupies. So, call me a groupie or call me a jump-off or calling me whatever but I love these group of men and I’m not going to stop just because I’m labeled as a groupie. On her relationship with Dwyane Wade & his baby news: Well with Dwyane, it was a shock. I didn’t have a clue that my pictures were going around like that. I didn’t even know that he was having a baby, he didn’t tell me. We are friends and we’ve been friends for close to 10 years now. So it was really heartbreaking in the sense that we have discussed relationships and things and babies and then you come out to find that he had a baby! That was a little bit too much for me to handle. On whether they discussed having babies and a relationship while Dwyane was with Gabby or Sivohaughn: It’s so complicated because we started when he was going through some trials and tribulationswith his ex-wife and we became friends. And now we’re just friends, I do wanna clarify that. I do have his back. On relationship with Lamar Lamaar is another person that’s been in my life for over 10 years. On his marital problems with Khloe: Definitely now my take on him trying to [save] the marriage…..he should have thought about all that before he did all of this extra stuff. He choose this life so, he has to deal with it. She continued the interview with some not-so-nice choice words for Gabrielle Union and Khloe Kardashian after explaining why she’s not ashamed or regretful about her slorey sidepiece lifestyle.

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No Chill: Serial Sidechick Sandrina Shultz Talks Creeping With Dwyane Wade, Lamar Odom & Says She Doesn’t Feel Sorry For Gabby Or Khloe

Don’t Be A Victim: A Gallery Of SHOCKING Cosmetic Sorcery Tactics

You can’t really trust ANYONE in our deception -fueled society where flaws are easily erased with  cosmetic sorcery   and that’s scary. For those unaware of the powerful cosmetic voodoo being used out here, we got you. Hit the jump for a gallery of shocking cosmetic sorcery tactics to watch out for.

Don’t Be A Victim: A Gallery Of SHOCKING Cosmetic Sorcery Tactics

When The Checks Stop… Ludacris Is Begging Broke To BabyMama, ‘I Can’t Pay Child Support Because “Fast & Furious” Hasn’t Paid Us’

Hmmmm… He wasn’t lookin’ broke when saw him poppin’ bottles and jet setting with Eudoxie ! Ludacris is looking to avoid paying the hefty $15K in child support his skripper sidepiece is trying to charge him for their break baby… but Luda says he’s broke because Paul Walker’s death has put a hold on his “Fast And Furious 7″ check! According to TMZ reports : Ludacris can’t afford to pay thousands of dollars in child support — and he’s blaming his financial woes on the death of his “Fast and Furious” co-star Paul Walker. Ludacris was in court Wednesday with his baby mama, Tamika Fuller … who’s demanding Luda pay her $15K a month to take care of his 2-month-old baby daughter, Cai. But Luda went to court and told the judge … he was counting on “Fast and Furious 7″ money to make his payments, and the movie is now on hold so his payday went away. Luda claims he can only pay $1,800 a month — confessing he only made around $55K for 2013. The judge split the baby down the middle, ordering Luda to pay 7K a month for now … while hizzoner reviews all the financial docs. By the way … Tyrese also claimed relative poverty in his child support case because of Walker’s death. First of all — this broad sounds hella greedy asking for $15K a month for a 2 month old baby when she was once taking a bus to her job on the pole! $7K is way more than generous but we think she doesn’t really need more than $3K do you agree. Still… Does Luda look like he’s raking in under $60K a year to you? Prince Wiliams

When The Checks Stop… Ludacris Is Begging Broke To BabyMama, ‘I Can’t Pay Child Support Because “Fast & Furious” Hasn’t Paid Us’

Filthy Game: A Gallery Of Proud Side Chicks On Instagram & Twitter, Pt. 2

Side chicks don’t die, they multiply, and rather steal another woman’s man than find their own which is both sad and hilarious. But mostly hilarious . Hit the jump for another photo gallery of proud side chicks on social media.

Continued here:
Filthy Game: A Gallery Of Proud Side Chicks On Instagram & Twitter, Pt. 2

Thirst Traps: Tyrese Tells Women To Stop Posting Slorey Azz & Tidday Pics Online For Attention

Is Tyrese fair or foul for giving women a ho sit down? Tyrese Tells Women To Stop Posting Scandalous Pics Online Via UB Magazine reports: Tyrese has always been known to express his views openly on his social media accounts, and although some of his tweets got him into some serious trouble sometime last year (remember those infamous comments on obese people), he hasn’t taken a break from letting the world in on where he stands on controversial topics. If you’re on Instagram, you’ve probably noticed the good and bad about the social media phone application, with the bad being that it pretty much highlights the vanity and insecurities of lots of people. Kim Kardashian was busted recently for altering her latest booty snap with Black Chyna (of course her rep denies the photo has been altered to make her look thinner), but Tyrese seems to feel like the pure fact alone that so many women are putting their bodies on display as of late for likes and comments is something he’s not too fond of. Tyrese posted this message on his Facebook fan page firing shots at you attention slorin’ ladies: But… For someone who started their career showing off their bangin’ baaaaawdy for attention and money, you would think Tyrese would be a little less judgmental when it came to the ladies. Do you thnk there is a double standard for women or is Ty right? Facebook Continue reading

Attention Slores: RihRih Flosses Cakes And Pasties In “Pour It Up” Behind-The-Scenes Shots

Trying to get somebody’s attention? RihRih’s social media activity over the past day or so has caused a few raised eyebrows. First she congratulated her ex on his latest… Then she let it all hang out, all being her bawwwwdy, in a series of behind the scenes shots from her “Pour It Up” video. Hit the flip to see. Continue reading