As a network engineer I find it troubling that the government seeks to label the internet as a catalyst for any emergency on a catastrophic basis. The thought that congress and the senate is constantly seeking a means to control, monitor, and force their whims on the internet are a constant concern to me and my fellow engineers. To be clear, I want everyone to know that we who work for large scale ISP’s have no desire or wish to aid the government in doing this. On the contrary, we recognize how damaging such efforts would be not only to the industry, but to each and every single one of the millions of end users. As such, I feel it my responsibility to inform the American people of any act of legislation that will force upon them any of the above described actions (monitoring, regulating, controlling, and even disabling). I thought things were bad when President Obama furthered Bush’s attempts at internet monitoring via an executive order that described project Einstein. This order coupled with several acts of legislation already had me upset over the situati… added by: shanklinmike
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged california, current, desire-or-wish, government, initiative-gets, president, recognize-how, secretary, stars, the-government, thought-things