Tag Archives: titties-naked

Skinny and Weird Looking Jonah Hill Gets Ugly Pussy of the Day

As a celebrity….especailly a funny man for all the college girls who have seen your countless movies targeted to them….like Jonah Hill…You are supposed to only fuck hot pussy….even when at your fattest…you are supposed to fuck hot pussy….even if your penis is small or you have a herpes outbreak….groupies are supposed to jump on your dick….and rick STDs to experience you…. And you are not supposed to get healthy and lose all the weight that made you the funny fat guy…pretty much what your career depended on….only to become a funny looking big eared guy….but if you do…for health reasons or cuz you hate seeing yourself on camera cuz you look like a huge pile of obese shit…you don’t downgrade the quality of pussy…..you use your new found skinny to get hotter, more famous bitces than the groupies you’ve been sticking it to the last decade of fame…. I don’t know who this bitch is, but she looks like a crackwhore, but not in a good way….See I like that she dresses like a crackwhore, but she’s definitely not hot enough to be a crackwhore, or more importantly for any millionaire to use…even if that millionaire is the the most heinous or handicapped……. Let’s just hope this is his sister with bad style…..cuz I’m a fat, married, broke, unshowered, disgusting, small penised blogger, and I land hotter pussy than this…and it only costs me 50 dollars.

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Skinny and Weird Looking Jonah Hill Gets Ugly Pussy of the Day

Sofia Vergara Rocking Some Cleavage of the Day

Here are some pictures of Sofia Vergara looking her best…Seriously at 45, mom of a 25 year old, she really pulls her shit together well, and by shit, I mean tits, all squeezed together like the don’t hang to her belly button, like all the other mom’s you know that can pull off cleavage like this with the right bra, harnesses and straps…. She’s living the life, far better than running through cocaine fields as a little girl, sleeping with drug cartel runners, because they had all the money to buy her fancy things, while she dreamed of being as famous as Shakira, back home in Colombia….you know before she moved to America and slept her way to Hollywood with networking strategies of only someone who really understands how to move drugs, but instead of drugs…she used her vagina…which to many men…is probably the same thing… Here are the titty pics, unfortunately no upskirt pics.

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Sofia Vergara Rocking Some Cleavage of the Day

Sienna Miller For Old Times of the Day

I used to think Sienna Miller was amazing…. She was always naked in movies, because lets face it that was her only real skillset when it came to depth in acting….and she always looked good getting naked….but this was at least 5 or 6 years ago….Since then…she’s disappeared and hardly exists….she locked down a relationship with Jude Law, her costar in many movies, because I assume they understand each other, since bother are washed up UK actors who made it in America, but more importantly, because they probably gave each other some STDs, and the set just happened to be the same romantic premise of the MEETPEOPLEWITHHERPES site…you know if you already have it you can’t get it again or give it to new partners if those partners have it to…. But she still looks kinda good, and I’d be more than happy to see her titties naked, perky, small and lovely like it was 2004 again….but that’s probably cuz I live in the past and have a hard time moving on…proven in his site’s modern and functional design…amongst other things like not leaving my wife for fame and fortune of Hollywood and shit… Either way, here are the pics

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Sienna Miller For Old Times of the Day