Tag Archives: tobasco-sauce

Heidi Klum in Seal Face of the Day

For some reason, that I think can be attributed to me being an asshole, I find calling this costume “seal face” like it was a highly targeted “Black face” for her specific needs, since he’s convered in scars, funny. I figure if you can’t laugh at your disfigurements, disabilities, downfalls, or those of the man who has impregnated you numerous times, you might as well kill yourself. And none of this means I wouldn’t rip a hole in her fleshy skinless, muscular, vagina inside out costume to kiss her rose…she’s Heidi Klum and seems a lot of fun.. Here’s her over-the-top costume.

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Heidi Klum in Seal Face of the Day

Kate Upton is Tobasco Sauce of the Day

I am going to assume Kate Upton dressed up like some Tobasco Sauce in honor of her dedication to the flavor enhancing sauce she loves on her Chili fries, as much as she loves on all her foods… Sure every shitty website out here is going to make this joke: “Kate Upton proving her Hotness” this halloween….because people aren’t original, in fact they are annoying in their similarities… While this shitty website is gonna say, she’s a fat chick in the making, no 18 year old should be stacked like that without serious repercussions that come in the form of late 20s obesisty…. Her ass will catch up to her tats….and in the meantime here she is covering up the only real thing she has going for her..

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Kate Upton is Tobasco Sauce of the Day