Sarah Palin and her husband Todd are getting a divorce. Beyond a doubt
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Sarah Palin Divorce Rumors Must Be Totally True
Sarah Palin and her husband Todd are getting a divorce. Beyond a doubt
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Sarah Palin Divorce Rumors Must Be Totally True
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged bristol-palin, couch-at-their, Gossip, Hollywood, Marriage, night, Parents, party, possibility, Sarah Palin, source, time, Todd Palin
Rumors of a Todd Palin-Sarah Palin divorce gained some traction today after a website out of Alaska reported that the state’s former chief executive and her husband were calling it quits, but further investigation reveals it is not true. Sarah Palin’s spokeswoman, Meg Stapleton, has denied the story by an Alaskan blog that just hours ago claimed to have inside info on an impending split . On Palin’s Facebook page, Stapleton posted the following rebuke: “Yet again, so-called ‘journalists’ have decided to make up a story.” “There is absolutely no truth to the recent “story” (and story is the correct term for this type of fiction) that Sarah and Todd Palin are divorcing.” “The Palins remain married, committed to each other and their family, and have not purchased land in Montana (last week it was Long Island).” “Less than one week ago, Governor Palin asked the media to ‘quit making things up.’ We appreciate that the more professional journalists decided to question this story first before repeating it.” Sarah Palin may have recently quit on Alaskans, but despite Internet reports, she and husband Todd Palin aren’t saying farewell to their marriage anytime soon.
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Sarah Palin Divorce Rumor Surfaces, is Shot Down
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged asked-the-media, Divorce, Facebook, Family, investigation, Marriage, media, palin, palins, Sarah Palin, story, their-marriage, Todd Palin, word-on-whether
Reports are coming in that former Alaska Governess and failed Vice-Presidental candidate Sarah Palin and husband Todd are getting a divorce. Two questions: Is it true?
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff
Tagged alaska, alaska-report, Divorce, News, other-at-last, palin, politics, reporting, Resignation, sarah, Sarah Palin, speech, Todd Palin, wedding, were-noticeably