Tag Archives: tolerate-cuz

Blake Lively’s Wife Legs in Instyle of the Day

There’s just something about looking at married chicks in magazines that does absolutely nothing for me….I guess knowing they are good enough for some other dude doesn’t inspire…unless it is real life and I’m making her cheat on dude…cuz that’s just like sport…and I always like winning at breaking the horrible stereotype that marriage is about loyalty, love, togetherness til death does you part…you gang of lying, cheating cunts…. But in defense of married girls….I never found Blake Lively worth lookin at… here are the pics anyway….

See the article here:
Blake Lively’s Wife Legs in Instyle of the Day

Georgia Salpa for FHM UK of the Day

Georgia Salpa is the fucking future…I have no idea who she is but I want to write love songs to her….about our undying love…our real love…about wanting to know what love is and I want her to show me…she’s the kind of girl I could spend the rest of my life staring at while she sleeps in bed next to me…the mother of my children who I hate cuz they are mooches who stole my freedom…but who I tolerate cuz they let me stick with her…Georgia Salpa is my soul mate…she just doesn’t know it yet….she’s so classy.

Read more from the original source:
Georgia Salpa for FHM UK of the Day