Hip-Hop has had a dark cloud over it for the last 20 or so years : its use of the word “b-tch” in reference to women. Whenever anyone wants to lob criticism at Hip-Hop, its degradation of women always comes first. The word is the safety net for people that want to disregard any good the genre does… Continue
We wanted to show you what everyone in court saw and see if it changes your opinion. An overwhelming amount of feedback and big opinions were tossed around on and offline yesterday about the Tony Farmer case. All of this makes us ask the question, Have we become too forgiving when it comes to Assault? Are we more concerned about this talented athlete and his ruined Basketball career? Should he have gotten a slap on the wrist and been sent on his way? His Lawyer seemed to think Farmer would get probation and from Tony’s reaction yesterday, we’re pretty sure he was thinkin’ the same. Maybe he should have gotten served with mandatory time at a treatment facility? Maybe he won’t serve all three years of his sentence? We can try to spin this in a positive light but really, what it boils down to is another Assault case that has our community up in arms…but for the wrong reason. We are somehow neglecting to keep in mind that Tony plead guilty to robbery, assault, kidnapping (which is a federal offense and brings more than 3 years in some cases), and intimidation of the victim. All of this stemming from the same attack you just watched. That same attack where you see his ex crouching in a corner, flinching away from him, as his 6’7″ azz scares her to death, beats her, and proceeds to pull her outside by her hair. We hope all parties involved find some peace and that everyone at least takes a real lesson away from all of this: That one bad decision will change the rest of your life forever. Images via Twitter