Tag Archives: top-single

Soundless Song Heads for Top Christmas Single

Photo: catm It’s a Brit thing: every Christmas there is a race to see which group will have the top single of the Yuletide season. In past years, SImon Cowell has pushed his X-Factor winner to the top. Last year musicians got fed up with the commercialization of it all and issued a rival song which won. This year another group, called Cage Against the Machine , is trying again to counter-act the commercialization of Christmas with a silent grassroots alternative. Imagine… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Soundless Song Heads for Top Christmas Single

Soundless Song Heads for Top Christmas Single

Photo: catm It’s a Brit thing: every Christmas there is a race to see which group will have the top single of the Yuletide season. In past years, SImon Cowell has pushed his X-Factor winner to the top. Last year musicians got fed up with the commercialization of it all and issued a rival song which won. This year another group, called Cage Against the Machine , is trying again to counter-act the commercialization of Christmas with a silent grassroots alternative. Imagine… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Soundless Song Heads for Top Christmas Single