Tag Archives: topless-photos

Rihanna Post Bottomless Photo To Her Instagram

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We know you’re all tired (or maybe not) of the never-ending topless photos Rihanna shares on her Twitter every other day, and she probably knows…

Rihanna Post Bottomless Photo To Her Instagram

Rihanna Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Performance: Phresh Out the Runway!

Taking a momentary hiatus from posting topless photos on Instagram, Rihanna modeled and performed at the 2012 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show last night. Just before the final curtain call, when all the scantily-clad models rush the stage, Rih unleashed her inner fashion model, strutting her stuff a pink lace camisole. While singing her aptly-titled “Phresh Out the Runway,” no less. Synergy, people. Watch Rihanna’s closing performance at the VS Fashion Show below! Rihanna Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Performance

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Rihanna Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show Performance: Phresh Out the Runway!

Vienna Girardi Nude in Playboy: Not Happening

Sorry, people. Don’t expect to see The Bachelor ‘s Vienna Girardi posed nude for Playboy, despite rumors about a deal in the works between the magazine and reality star. While she allegedly told Star she is posing in Playboy for $250,000, a Playboy rep says: “We are not in negotiations with her and have not made an offer.” After Playboy publicly denied a deal, Girardi, who floated the idea in the same interview where she said Jake wouldn’t put out , quickly changed her tune. “Really Playboy ?!” she Twittered . “Something else I didn’t know about myself. It’s another rumor.” Another one you probably started , Vienna. Nice try. It’s not like Vienna topless photos would be unprecedented . Meanwhile, shirtless scenes of Vienna’s ex-fiance are the most you’ll ever see of the 32-year-old pilot. Don’t look for Jake Pavelka nude in Playgirl either. It’s not like that magazine isn’t interested, though, openly lobbying for The Bachelor star, who may or may not like girls , to bare all for big bucks. “Jake is not doing Playgirl – never considered it, never will,” his rep said. So basically, Vienna and Playgirl have a lot in common.

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Vienna Girardi Nude in Playboy: Not Happening

Kim Kardashian: Too Mature For Reggie Bush

Kim Kardashian and Reggie Bush may be back together someday, but they’re over now. Here’s why, according to the venerable publication known as Life & Style. An insider reveals Kush split shortly after their Costa Rican getaway in early March: “It was a make-or-break vacation, and things just didn’t work,” a source says. According to sources from both sides, the biggest reason behind their surprising breakup was the difference in maturity between Kim, 29 and Reggie, who’s 25. Yes, Kim Kardashian is being described as more mature than someone. “Kim is a sophisticated businesswoman,” an insider says of the professional celebrity. “Reggie’s just a big kid. He’s not grown-up enough for her at the moment.” IT’S OVER : But is the split for good this time? A friend of the couple says it could go either way at this point. “Should they decide to stay together, it will require time and hard work on both sides,” the pal says. “Their families are rooting for the romance to work out.” What happens next could depend on Reggie Bush growing up … or not. “He’s definitely had a marriage conversation with Kim’s mom. But he’s like a child; it’s doubtful it was formal. So either there will be a ring – or they’re finished.” To his credit, he did take to Twitter this week to deny cheating on Kim . Sure, an in-person conversation might have been better, but the effort was there!

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Kim Kardashian: Too Mature For Reggie Bush

The Bachelor: Vienna Girardi is "Pure Evil"

Vienna Girardi is pure evil. Or so The Bachelor producers would have us believe.

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The Bachelor: Vienna Girardi is "Pure Evil"

Lindsay Lohan Hawks Old, Crappy Clothes Online

Here’s a terrible great stocking stuffer idea if you’re in a pinch.

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Lindsay Lohan Hawks Old, Crappy Clothes Online

Lucy Pinder & Eve Wyrwal’s Sexy Nuts Video

Yesterday, we posted topless photos of Lucy Pinder & Eve Wyrwal in Nuts Magazine. Here they are again in a little video.

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Lucy Pinder & Eve Wyrwal’s Sexy Nuts Video

Cody Linley: Drunk, Topless, Out of Control

As Katie Rees knows well, celebrity gossip sites are often all over scandalous shots of attractive females getting drunk and naked. But we’d be hypocrites if we didn’t also point out the times that guys acted like wasted loons as well. Step right up, Cody Linley ! The Hannah Montana actor, who was linked romantically to that show’s star until she moved on to her next boy toy, was spotted recently “drunk as a skunk,” according to Star magazine source.

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Cody Linley: Drunk, Topless, Out of Control