Tag Archives: totally-want

Awesome Healthcare Reform Protest

I don't know what group is responsible for this, but they're my new favorite crazy-ass death-panel protesters. If we let the healthcare bill pass, Obama will personally take to the streets to whip elderly people and pregnant women. I know it's wrong, but I totally want to see that when it happens

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Awesome Healthcare Reform Protest

Top 5 Buzz List – Aug 10th

These are the top posts from Monday, August 10, 2009. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

‘My So-Called Life’ Is On Hulu

Link: http://www.hulu.com/my-so-called-life Just wanted to let you know.

Read the rest here:
‘My So-Called Life’ Is On Hulu

Sexy Dancing Anime Barbecue Chick

Your guess is as good as ours . But all we know is we totally want a burger (topped with pickles, onions, and cartoon boobies).

Read the original here:
Sexy Dancing Anime Barbecue Chick

Okhotsk Blue

Okhotsk Blue is a Japanese beer made with “water melted from icebergs that float each year onto Hokkaido beaches from the Sea of Okhotsk.” A dash of seaweed gives it the cool, icy blueish tint. I totally want a blue beer right now.

See the original post:
Okhotsk Blue