Tag Archives: tranny-loving

Gisele Bundchen Bikini of the Day

Despite being convinced that Gisele Bundchen was a man, that Tom Brady was a Queer, that together they trolled the world like the psychopaths they are, no one gets as rich as they are without being manipulative monsters with no morals or values, and Gisele in a pregnancy prosthetic is something that would hardly cost that much if you were a tranny lover trying to hide your tranny loving because your Boston fans are a bunch of blue collar working, beer drinking, Catholics who don’t like trannies… I’m going to assume she’s a woman….and in a bikini…even if Gender as a concept is a construct of the patriarchy to keep women repressed……or some shit… There’s this grey area of having a female body, being in female clothing, that dick or not, makes you woman enough to stare at since we’re not the ones on all fours begging you to bang us up our man cooters…. We’ll call this “woman-enough”. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gisele Bundchen Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gisele Bundchen Bikini of the Day

Gisele Bundchen Bikini of the Day

Despite being convinced that Gisele Bundchen was a man, that Tom Brady was a Queer, that together they trolled the world like the psychopaths they are, no one gets as rich as they are without being manipulative monsters with no morals or values, and Gisele in a pregnancy prosthetic is something that would hardly cost that much if you were a tranny lover trying to hide your tranny loving because your Boston fans are a bunch of blue collar working, beer drinking, Catholics who don’t like trannies… I’m going to assume she’s a woman….and in a bikini…even if Gender as a concept is a construct of the patriarchy to keep women repressed……or some shit… There’s this grey area of having a female body, being in female clothing, that dick or not, makes you woman enough to stare at since we’re not the ones on all fours begging you to bang us up our man cooters…. We’ll call this “woman-enough”. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gisele Bundchen Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gisele Bundchen Bikini of the Day

Sara Malakul for Nate Walton of the Day

American based Thai superstar SARA MALAKUL , who you can find on various movies on Netflix that may or may not include her tits…but should always include her tits, because her tits are what legends are made of, even if her being Thai, statistically means she has a penis and the only reason she is in America is because some rockstar or celebrity imported her and her amazing face to work for him – when his wife is at the gym, if you know what I mean… Now that’s probably not her storyline, since she’s got a US passport thanks to being born in GUAM, and she’s probably got a VAG that she was born with in GUAM, so no need for her to get imported by a tranny loving eccentric George Clooney-type like she was BAI LING, but it is to say that her being half white from Thailand makes me think maybe her dad was into that George Clooney-type hustle, because why else would he end up in Thailand in the 80s? For the Elephants? I bet it was for the elephants… Well she’s naked for genius nude photographer NATE WALTON …not THOSE Waltons…this is a little less wholesome Waltons…and she’s looking’ pretty fucking awesome…

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Sara Malakul for Nate Walton of the Day