Tag Archives: trashy-stripper

Paris Hilton Cum Glaze Face of the Day

Paris Hilton’s natural tan looks about right…orange enough to inspire the vapid Jersey Shore retards…..something I think she did a long time ago without realizing it…because there is no way those trashy stripper pigs aren’t the direct result of Paris Hilton’s influence in the media….and shiny enough to looklike she’s been glazed with semen like the whore that she is…..and really it’s supposed to be good for your skin…at least that’s what I tell every girl I try to give facials to, even though ever porn chick has some of the shitties skin….it doesn’t mattter her are the pics…

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Paris Hilton Cum Glaze Face of the Day

Josie Stevens at Some Vegas Trash Awards of the Day

This bitch is representative of everything that is wrong with America…. The leopard print hair extensions was a great touch to this clown faced plastic twat who do this to themselves cuz they go over the top in what they think idiots may find hot….cuz they have no fucking clue what people actually find hot….this is like if Pam Anderson and Anna Nicole and Shauna Sand and every trashy stripper, hooker who thinks this is hot but can only afford shitty doctors had a baby then put on steroids…. Vegas is trash….so Josie fits right in and I can’t get over the fact she exists…I didn’t think people like this actually existed…it is like she came out of my imagination as the embodiment of something I use to define people like this…If you know what I mean…

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Josie Stevens at Some Vegas Trash Awards of the Day

Michelle McGee Works Pole to German Death Metal

Jesse James mistress Michelle “Bombshell” McGee wants people to know she is not a Nazi. The trashy stripper’s music of choice is therefore a bit strange. Michelle Bombshell may want to rethink her selection of German heavy metal the next time she headlines at Vegas club Deja Vu… if there is a next time. McGee “performed” to two songs Friday, one of which was “Feuer frei!” by Rammstein. Wikipedia says “The title is from the command to start shooting in German military language, can be compared to ‘fire at will,’ or ‘open fire.'” The lyrics, in German, translate to “Whoever knows pain is dangerous from the fire that burns the soul / bang bang, the burned child is dangerous / with fire that separates from the life, a hot cry / bang bang open fire!” Jesse James’ piece on the side is a classy babe . Man, if that doesn’t make you want to pay for a private lap dance from Bombshell McGee in the champagne room, you might wanna check your pulse. Wonder if she handed out her Nazi photos as souvenirs. Follow the jump for a disturbing video TMZ got of Michelle workin’ that pole to Rammstein … Michelle McGee Works the Pole

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Michelle McGee Works Pole to German Death Metal