We’d like to (sk)introduce you to some funny friends this week on DVD and Blu-ray- and not only are they hilarious, they also take their clothes off (or at least their body doubles do). Make room on the couch for Bianca Kajlich , who makes her nude debut in 30 Minutes or Less (2011), Chelan Simmons and Alexia Rasmussen , who both bare boobs in Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil (2009) and Our Idiot Brother (2011), and of course Mila Kunis’ (body double’s) shapely seat meat in Friends with Benefits (2011). Rounding out the guest list is the fantastically nude Showtime series Look , featuring Claudia Christian and Sharon Hinnendael nude. In other DVD nudes, travel through time with the junk in Miranda July ‘s trunk in The Future (2011) and the red-hot real-sex action of Now & Later (2009), nude on Blu-ray. More after the jump!

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Friends with Bene-tits: Celebrity Nudes on DVD and Blu-ray 11-29-11 [PICS]
Posted in Celebrities, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged after-the-jump, bianca kajlich, Blu Ray, body-double, Christian, fantastically, miranda july, now & later, the-future, travel-through