Tag Archives: tribal-council

Ride Or Die: Bad Azz 13-Year-Old Boys Set Fire To Police Station So They Could Visit Friend In Jail

Friends, how many of us have them? Friends Set Fire To Police Station Two teens in a remote Canada community are accused of torching a police station as part of a bizarre plan to get arrested and flown to a Winnipeg youth jail to visit a pal who is also currently facing arson charges, prosecutors alleged this week. Via Sun News Network : And the suspected arson case comes at a time RCMP in remote St. Theresa Point, Man., are contending with an emerging crime problem where a “gang” of youths are engaging in a destructive ritual dubbed “Bad Azz Sundays” as they mark out a weekly time to wreak havoc there, Judge Rocky Pollack heard. The boys, 13 and 14, were collared after what’s known locally as the “justice building,” leased by the RCMP from the Island Lake Tribal Council, caught fire and was destroyed just after 4 a.m. Sunday, July 21. The younger boy appeared for and was granted bail at the Manitoba Youth Centre (MYC) on Thursday. He has no record or other pending charges and is presumed innocent. Pollack was legally bound under the Youth Criminal Justice Act to give him a shot at freedom with many restrictions attached. He and his co-accused are suspected of picking the lock to the RCMP section of the side-by-side building with a paper clip then using matches and a lighter to torch paper and the back of the building, Crown attorney Courtney St. Croix said. When police caught up to the 13-year-old, he told them it was a joint arson attempt made to get out of the community and into the confines of MYC, St. Croix alleged. When these kids get out of jail, they should be forced to complete community service at the Burn Care Center Unit of several Winnipeg area hospitals, every Sunday for 6 months. The gang can now call it “Get My Life Together On Sundays.” Continue reading

Today in Things That Will Never Happen: Mel Gibson on Mad Men

You really never do know what incredible hilarity each refresh of the Google Reader can bring. Case in point, this headline, courtesy of Cinematical : “Mel Gibson’s On-Screen Comeback to Begin with ‘Mad Men’?” Um, no? Is that the right answer?

Today in Things That Will Never Happen: Mel Gibson on Mad Men

Survivor Loser Review: Shameful Shannon

“Tribal Council” should just be renamed “Occasion to Mess Up.” I want Jeff Probst to sit with each week’s losing tribe and say, “Welcome to an occasion to mess up. Go.” Then the racist and homophobic and incendiary back-and-forth can begin. Last night the La Flor tribe decided to vote out its — hmmmm? — most idiotic contestant by a mile Shannon. God, what a huffy little jag. Let’s list his three biggest downfalls in yesterday’s episode of Survivor while cackling at his jag visage.

Go here to read the rest:
Survivor Loser Review: Shameful Shannon