Tag Archives: couples-retreat

Adriana Lima’s in a Bikini of the Day

Brazilan bikini model Ana Beatriz Barros just got married in Mykonos – which means that all the other Brazilian Victoria’s Secret model old timers had to show up, because it’s how fake friendships prosper… I assume this is the video of her demonstrating the Model Retirement Pension by marrying some rich guy…love is such a beautiful thing…..isn’t it…especially when set in a lovely setting…and the person you’re marrying is a fucking billionaire…you know…an actual billionaire named Karim El Chaity…not bad for some poor as fuck Brazilian who happened to be tall and hot…good fucking play…all it took was some strategic placement and boom – love….rich as fuck love…. I guess the more interesting thing with destination weddings – possibly where they met or where they first fucked on some chartered cruise – or somewhere they think is romantic…. OR – maybe because it is where Lohan celebrated her Billionaire fiance trip….classy…. But their hot model guests, even when barrel chested, old and washed up…get into bikinis…while waiting for the big day…GLORIOUS….Adriana Lima still looking good….probably with a billionaire of her own – because millionaires are not for Victoria’s Secret models….too poor for that pussy admission fee. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Adriana Lima’s in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Adriana Lima’s in a Bikini of the Day

Jessica Simpson in a Bikini of the Day

Jessica Simpson went on some Couples Retreat to French Polynesia – where she got to show off her mid 30s fat girl tits in a bikini….and it spoke to my soul…I mean the way she’s bushing out of her top like a mom of two who was once 250 lbs before getting paid a million dollars to lose the weight – all sloppy and delicious – looking like she could suffocate on them, or at least have sleep apnea because of them, in a moderate but sex as fuck disability…. I don’t know why, I blame fever, alcoholism, early onslaught dementia or a lack of a mother but the last month I’ve been obsessed with monster tits, which often times come on monster sized women, and with every monster tit pic I see I think “those tits are big enough, we need more tit, let’s go back to the tit”…a natural tit so big it’s gross…is a direct line to my penis even though my penis needs an extension….if you know what I mean – if you don’t – you were clearly never a receptionist… Yes. I talk receptionists when looking at big sloppy Jessica Simpson fat girls tits she kept…it adds to the fetish. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PCIS CLICK HERE The post Jessica Simpson in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jessica Simpson in a Bikini of the Day

Black Jesus’s Kali Hawk Really Likes Playing A Woman With “King Kong Balls”

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You see that beautiful woman in the picture above? That’s Kali Hawk – one of the funniest women on television. With over a million followers on Twitter, Kali has been able to create a very impressive and hilarious resume. I discovered her when she appeared in Couples Retreat as Trudy and after our conversation, I knew she […]

Black Jesus’s Kali Hawk Really Likes Playing A Woman With “King Kong Balls”

Well That Was Quick: Malin Ackerman Replaces Lohan As Porno Queen Linda Lovelace

A man of his word , director Matthew Wilder announced on his Facebook page that Malin Ackerman would step in for the beleaguered and be-rehabbed Lindsay Lohan in his Linda Lovelace biopic, Inferno . You might recognize her from parts in Couples Retreat , 27 Dresses , or as Silk Spectre II in the Watchmen . Based solely on her very realistic hip-pumping in the Owlship love scene, I can only conclude that Ackerman is gonna do great as the star of Deep Throat .[ TheWrap ]

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Well That Was Quick: Malin Ackerman Replaces Lohan As Porno Queen Linda Lovelace

Survivor Loser Review: Shameful Shannon

“Tribal Council” should just be renamed “Occasion to Mess Up.” I want Jeff Probst to sit with each week’s losing tribe and say, “Welcome to an occasion to mess up. Go.” Then the racist and homophobic and incendiary back-and-forth can begin. Last night the La Flor tribe decided to vote out its — hmmmm? — most idiotic contestant by a mile Shannon. God, what a huffy little jag. Let’s list his three biggest downfalls in yesterday’s episode of Survivor while cackling at his jag visage.

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Survivor Loser Review: Shameful Shannon

Jennifer Aniston’s Box Office Poison Infects TVs Too

Jennifer Aniston’s much-ballyhooed guest appearance on Cougar Town was similar to her recent string of theatrical releases: Disappointing. The season premiere of the Courteney Cox sitcom — which featured Aniston as a psychiatrist — drew in a little over 8 million viewers. That’s down from the 11 million people who tuned in to the series premiere last September, and also represents a significant drop from lead-in Modern Family , which was watched by 12.6 million viewers. Don’t worry, Jen: There’s always radio. [ Us ]

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Jennifer Aniston’s Box Office Poison Infects TVs Too

Malin Åkerman on Romantics, Romcoms and Her Surprising Truth About Improv

When we all last heard from Malin Åkerman, she was preparing for the hometown premiere of her fiery drama The Bang Bang Club in Toronto. But for at least one more weekend, she’s keeping an eye on her darling The Romantics as it expands into limited wide release. The ensemble film features the Swedish-Canadian actress as Tripler, one of several college pals reuniting for the marriage of Lila (Anna Paquin) and Tom (Josh Duhamel) — over the simmering objection of Tom’s ex Laura (Katie Holmes).

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Malin Åkerman on Romantics, Romcoms and Her Surprising Truth About Improv

‘Iron Man 2’ Cheat Sheet: Everything You Need To Know

From celebrity cameos to deleted scenes, casting controversies to ‘Avengers’ buzz, it’s all here. By Larry Carroll Robert Downey Jr. in “Iron Man 2” Photo: Francois Duhamel It was two years ago that Tony Stark held a press conference, looked the world’s media in the eyes and announced: “The truth is … I am Iron Man.” In the months since, geeks, movie buffs and casual fans alike have been dreaming about what it could become, perusing every casting note and scoping out every last spoiler-heavy detail. We should know better than anybody, as we make a living doing just that. Now, the release of “Iron Man 2” is positioned to shatter records like Tony Stark taking down a terrorist cell — in fact, it has already nearly taken in its budget overseas . But before you see the no-cliffhanger flick , be sure to peruse our MTV News cheat sheet. In the ensuing paragraphs you’ll find everything you need to know before feasting on Jon Favreau’s eye candy, from surprise cameos to Tony Stark’s new suit, the energy-crisis plot and the latest adventures of the movie-star superhero . Favreau is on Franchise Fire Literally days after Jon Favreau became the hottest director in Hollywood, thanks to a $103 million opening weekend, we caught up with him to ask if he’d be following it up with “Iron Man 2” or “Avengers.” At the time, Favreau said it would most likely be one of the two, he just didn’t know which. Two years later, he told us he’s happy with his cut but is still so nervous that on Thursday morning he tweeted : “I can’t sleep. The movie opens in 24 hours.” When Favs showed up at Comic-Con last summer, he was pumped for the film and amazed at the thunderous reception . A few months later, while promoting his acting in “Couples Retreat” in September, we talked about the trickiness of using CGI in the film . Recently, we caught up with him again, and he dished on the rumors that had been swirling about a Gwyneth Paltrow dominatrix scene and a Thor cameo. A-Listers Only Everyone not named Terrence Howard would likely agree that this movie has been cast with the best of the best — from Robert and Gwyneth, to Samuel and Scarlett. Oscar nominee Don Cheadle is stepping in to play Rhodey, and we all remember how that one went down . Soon enough, Mickey Rourke and Scarlett Johansson joined up, followed by Sam Rockwell . When you see the movie this weekend, imagine Rockwell as Tony Stark . Lastly, keep your eyes peeled for a surprise cameo by the late DJ AM . No Weeping Widow Last summer at Comic-Con, Scarlett playfully announced that her role as the Black Widow will kick some major ass . She wouldn’t admit if her character was good-natured or bad but said the training was intense. She described the Black Widow as a super-shape-shifter and admitted that the fight scenes were painful to film . Trailer Park The trailer , which dropped back in December, reveals some of the new adventures in store for Tony Stark in “Iron Man 2.” An MTV News shot-by-shot analysis reveals more, including his father’s involvement with the sequel. Downey gave us an inside look into his own life when he discussed his real-life father , saying Tony isn’t the only one who has had to live in a father’s shadows. Please, No Gang Signs Last December, a fun viral game had a fan unlocking a sneak peek at the film, while our set visit revealed even more. Sure, most people paying good money to see the movie this weekend will want a glimpse at Downey and the suit — but we’re just as excited about Sam Jackson as Nick Fury , a badass S.H.I.E.L.D. agent; Cheadle as War Machine ; and a Pepper Potts ready for action . Want some extra insight into the story line? Be sure to pick up the novel and some toys , and then you’ll feel more connected than Tony Stark himself. Oh, and one last thing: In case you didn’t learn your lesson from the first “Iron Man,” be sure to keep your butt in the seat past the end credits this time! Check out everything we’ve got on “Iron Man 2.” For breaking news and previews of the latest comic book movies — updated around the clock — visit SplashPage.MTV.com . Related Videos MTV Rough Cut: ‘Iron Man 2’ Related Photos The Evolution Of: Gwyneth Paltrow ‘Iron Man 2’ Premieres In Los Angeles

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‘Iron Man 2’ Cheat Sheet: Everything You Need To Know

Vince Vaughn and Kyla Weber: Married!

Vince Vaughn is a married man. The actor married his girlfriend Kyla Weber at a quiet ceremony in Lake Forest, Illinois on Saturday Janiuary 2, his rep says

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Vince Vaughn and Kyla Weber: Married!

No Black Couple In The UK "Couples Retreat" Poster

The black couple is edited out of the UK's “Couples Retreat” poster.

No Black Couple In The UK "Couples Retreat" Poster